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Everything posted by Gandrix

  1. I think we must learn how to balance our training. This is main important factor for a fighter.A good fighter must have enouth speed, enouth strength, flexibbility- a proportional development. Destroying this balance-we are sacrificing something (speed,flexibility) How your are balance training in your dojos,your training program for 3,7-days?
  2. Many things. Fitness, self-confidence, co-ordination, strength (mental & physical) and a lot of new friends.Karate -fighting with yourself.
  3. You’re taller Keep a far distance from your partner and jam them with push kick and back kick. You’re shorter Get in close enough that you’re too far in range for your partner to kick. Get in, stay in, and rack up the points. You’re heavier You’ve got a power advantage, so use it wisely. Think “tank”. You’re lighter You’ve got a speed advantage, so use it wisely. Think “butterfly”. You’re faster Get in range, throw a few techniques, and get out . You’re slower Don’t get fancy — stay simple. Make your partner come to you instead of chasing after him or her.
  4. Never throw just one technique. This is a big no-no. Never just walk (or run, you kids) into the correct distance and kick. Another major no-no. Never throw a technique when you know that you will not be able to land it. Always use footwork or faking to bring your partner closer to you. Always plan on your partner having a counter-attack. Always plan on countering your partner’s counter-attack.
  5. Moldova is situated near Romania.Is a small and poor country. I have brown belt ,9-years of training.I hope I will be a trainer soon, I think this style is a most powerfull in the world.(full-direct contact). OSU...
  6. Strenth training for karateka,advantage,disatvantage?Can we inc lude suchtraining in our halls.How often we should do this training.What kind of strenth training are more efficient for martial artist.Phisic parameters for karateka?Thank you.
  7. streetfighter,who dont bother themselves by complited tehniques,have advantage in comparing with those who trains in halls.Psyhologically in real combat they are like fish in the water.''reality'' for them is not har reachable abstraction,but concreate situation,when it impossible to wait a mercy.during working in hall i no on subconscios that half an hour i will friendly speak with my enemy independently of fight results. ithinc in a real combat will work a full-direct-contact karate style like kyokushinkai karate.
  8. strategy of clear mind.the best stratagy is to not fight.
  9. training generated self-confidence. This is main important thing-self confidence
  10. kumite ia a produce of kihon,without kihon can not be kumite.
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