From my personal experiance (I have dropped two pants sizes now) it has taken my well over 8 months. I am STILL not where I want to be (I want to fit into 36's, I can fit into 38's. They are a little snug but I can ) Your body will loose weight quickly at first but its going to level out. The best thing you can do is eat about every 3 3-1/2 hours but small amounts of food. The hardest thing for me was that I felt that I was working for hard and doing everything so much, and I wasnt seeing the results. Just trust me when I say that your body will change, it just takes time. Best of luck to you, and DONT GIVE UP! Ohhhh and a tip to keep your sanity: When you have a craving for a food, like a Double Western Cheese Burger. Go and have the burger but try to only have half of it. Just know that depriving yourself from something will only drive you crazy!