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Shaolin Chuan Fa

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Everything posted by Shaolin Chuan Fa

  1. From my personal experiance (I have dropped two pants sizes now) it has taken my well over 8 months. I am STILL not where I want to be (I want to fit into 36's, I can fit into 38's. They are a little snug but I can ) Your body will loose weight quickly at first but its going to level out. The best thing you can do is eat about every 3 3-1/2 hours but small amounts of food. The hardest thing for me was that I felt that I was working for hard and doing everything so much, and I wasnt seeing the results. Just trust me when I say that your body will change, it just takes time. Best of luck to you, and DONT GIVE UP! Ohhhh and a tip to keep your sanity: When you have a craving for a food, like a Double Western Cheese Burger. Go and have the burger but try to only have half of it. Just know that depriving yourself from something will only drive you crazy!
  2. Most of the knife training that we recieve is based on first controling the knife hand or clearing the knife hand away. Most people that charge at you with a knife think its thier only weapon. The just will hack, slash or charge at you with it. The only knife tequnices that I do not like is where it puts the knife to close to anything vital, like your kneck or your back.
  3. I have been in a few fights and I have been charged at and had someone come up from behind me, and what not. I have NEVER had a problem kicking or socking a guy in the groin, more than not they go after the stun the fight is usually over, I'll deliver a few blows to make sure its done though.
  4. How can anyone condone what other Dojos do or how they distribute rank? If they feel that a student has reached what it takes for then to become 1st Dan then fine. If they want to get cocky over the fact that they have a black belt then when they get their head handed to them in a situation then they will see that the rank that they achived does not qualify them to win a fight. I have seen many fights and matches where a lower rank has won against a higher ranking person. Rank and belt color do not a fighter make...
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