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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    ninjutsu, jujitsu
  • Interests
    martial arts, basketball, girls:)
  • Occupation
    martial artist, student

tenguartist's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Yes, I've also heard they intend on introducing wushu into the next olypics. I guess they're hoping for the same thing to happen as it did with taekwondo.
  2. well, i do ninjutsu. imagine people asking if you can fly and disappear. its really annoying man!
  3. hey joanne, did you mean 'martial arts' or specifically karate?
  4. is this the same dude that started the topic "i like a girl in my martial art class"?
  5. lol, never mind treebranch:) hmmm...most people in this thread seem to think that mixed classes has more benefits than 'girl only'classes. but some women really insist on having a class of their own, perhaps due to their lifestyle as someone had mentioned. errrr....im just wondering, does anyone here belong to a female class by any chance, and how do you feel about it? thanx to all for your advice. keep em coming please
  6. a few of you wanted to know if hes in my class. the answer to that is no. so those suggestions wont work(thanks anywayz) most people here seem convinced that its overconfidence/arrogance that is the prob. the could be true. some of my other martial arts buddies dont suffer from that so....hmmmm well see. thanx alot folks. keep them coming
  7. My least favorite part of the movie is when Daniel-san is hugging that blond chick for the first time, like such a dweeb. I can practically hear him going: "*heavy breathing* G-g-giiirrrll... *heavy breathing* p-pretty giiirrllll... *heavy breathing*........*sniffs her hair*" -monkeygirl lol man. common, every movie needs a love scene, even if it is lame:)
  8. i think the idea of 'kids with black belts' could raise up the question 'how old must a person be to begin martial arts? does age really matter to you people?
  9. taking different skills from other styles huh. thats a good idea granmasterchen. i might just do that...
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