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Everything posted by Sunsu

  1. Isshinryu Karate, baby! I'm also working on learning a few elements from Hsing I . . . course, books ain't the best teachers My personal style is called "KanoWupAs-ryu."
  2. Again, a question on this art . . . As one who trains in Okinawan karate, would the study of Hsing I, Xingyi, et al, be beneficial to me? Not really a question I felt needed to be asked, I just got tired of seeing all these "Dragonball Ki" threads. Buncha hippies. Everyone knows that Isshinryu is the only way to fly . . .
  3. Well, my reoccurring cracked/separated ribs Underdeveloped VMOs leading to some serious rehab time Hyperextended elbow Subluxation in my back (still trying to get all my vertebrae in line) I'm taking a month off from MA, lifting weights, et al. The only things I'll be doing, aside from college and work, are stretches and physical therapy on my knees.
  4. Well, I am still a reserved, talk-when-someone-says-something kinda guy, but I have enough self confidence that it's not defensive. I'm in better shape, not counting injuries, I'm generally happier. God decided to give me the hook up, as it were.
  5. Uh . . . courses. Huh. Anyway, one of our students, a friend of Sensei's, recently built a hooj building. A great part of it is the dojo. We also have a gym, tanning, and a Doctor Smoothy bar . . . As for courses, we have Young Children, Older Children, and Adults. As for courses contained therein, everything tends to go unseparated (some nights; kata, bunkai, sparring, others just one or two of those, or kobujutsu). Dang city folk an' yer high-falootin' termonologie.
  6. I've had the tome "Chinese Healing Arts" for about three months now. I've tried some of the exercises prescribed therein, and, with the exception of certain uncomfortablities (My Word. Copyrighted, mo fos.) due to injuries, I'd say they have some promise. Most of the exercises are described as either "Kung Fu" or "Chi Kung." Well, I've started down the path of improper instruction. Anyone wish to point out another stepping stone? Puh-leez?
  7. I'd highly recommend you DON'T train your core every day. Abs get overtrained too. Try going at it every other day. Since I switched to this program on Mon, Wed and Fri, with the weekends off, I've noticed a lot of improvement in my midsection. Finally, after two months off due to cracked/separated ribs, I can see my abs again! Mon: Crunches: 1x25 Reverse Crunch: 1x25 Oblique Crunches: 1x25/side Wed: Crunches: 1x25 Reverse Crunches: 2x25 Oblique Crunches: 1x25/side Fri: Crunches: 2x25 Reverse Crunches: 2x25 Oblique Crunches: 1x25/side Good luck.
  8. If at all possible, avoid surgery. Try to find an orthpedist. I went to one, and after x-rays, I got physical therapy. 6 months later, I'm 100%. Now, if I could just avoid stupidity in training . . . Good luck.
  9. Sunsu


    Okay, we have Ju Kyu to Ik Kyu, which are: White Belt (no title) White w/stripe (ju Kyu) Orange Orange w/stripe Yellow Blue Green Purple Brown Brown w/1 stripe Brown w/2 stripes (ik kyu) Brown w/3 stripes (?) Umm. . . not everyone goes through the stripes. I only had my brown before I tested for Sho Dan Ho. We don't charge for the tests, except for the cost of the belt, which is usually five dollars or so.
  10. My avatar symbolizes the void, the idea of being without being. Or, the lack of ability to change my frikkin picture into a 50x50 pixel image. My name; the last empty hand kata in Isshinryu, which was also Tatsuo Shimabuku's nickname (for the life of me, I can't decide which translation I like best: Strong Man, Son of Old Man, Master of the Salt.) Not to hijack the thread, but anybody know the most accurate translation?
  11. Hmmm. The two options I see are: 1. The "Desert of the Real" is a second tier of the Matrix, for control of the more intuitive of the batteries. 2. Neo is really a messonic (sp?) figure whose ability to interact with the machines in the real world is due to his "alteration of consciousness" caused by the transformation into the One. Outcome of Movie Three Based on Option One: After the successful repulsion of the sentinels from Zion, the obvious Matrix is crashed, then reloaded (no pun) with the survivors from the Desert. The ultimate truth is revealed to Neo . . . crap if I know. Sounds good this late at night, though. Outcome Based on Option Two: The invasion of Zion is repelled, the Matrix gets crashed after the lengthy battle between Smith and Neo, the truth behind the prophecy and the fate of the Oracle program are revealed, cut to insanely loud Rage Against the Machine anthom #517. Or, Option Three: It's revealed that all the fighting skills(z) utilized in the Matrix (ala bullet-time, extreme kung fu) are all ripped from the stylings of Wyld Stallyns . . . er, I mean Sunsu's "How to Fight and Win - Big" videos. "Free Your Mind." "There is no spoon." "Hmm. Upgrades." "Whoah."
  12. Well, in about two months, I'll be able to take a shot to the rib cage (not that I'll try. And right now, I;m lifting weights without pain. Well, now my frikkin knees (more to the point, the right knee) are raising cane again. I guess tomorrow I start the Physical Therapy that got rid of it last time. Frikkin hope so. But, that does mean no more leg lifts [collective sigh heard in background]. Jimmany Crismas. [PS: I'd prefer a triscallion to be on this things headband, as opposed to the Japanese sun]
  13. Finally got around to getting my second xray for that friggin rib. Nothing major, it's just slightly detached around the sloar plexus region. Should take about two months of no bodyshots (the hits, not the drinks), be careful when doing abwork. I've been putting Bengay on it at night, seems to help
  14. Well, I learned how to change my oil, play guitar, and count cards from a book (not that I'm any good at the last two . . .). Shoot, there aren't any Chi Kung classes around this part of the Devil's Left Ventrical. Three schools, three different styles: Isshinryu Karate, Mu Duk Kwan, and Tae Kwon Do. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to find some of these
  15. hah! Death holds no power here! I am the great Isshinryuka Sunsu! Death still owes me five dollars from a poker game last weekend! And the devil still hasn't delivered my refrigerator yet! [Just kidding, God. Please don't smite me, all mighty Smiter! ]
  16. Maybe soneone could suggest a book, or pamphlet?
  17. Hi. I'm looking to take up Hsing I. More than for the combat training, but for the control of internal energy (or whatever you call your biological functions). However, there are no schools anywhere near me, so I am looking to at least become aware of the fundamentals. I'm not looking to master the style, or to be able to profess some proficiency in it; I just wish to learn. That being said, are there any texts which the Hsing I students/teachers could suggest? Thanks in advance
  18. Well, I've yet to have either. Anything I might be able to do to aleviate this on my own?
  19. Hey, A couple of months ago, when testing for Sho Dan Ho, I took a kick to the solar plexus. After the test, I had a pain in my rib. Figured, hey, its cracked. Got an xray. Cracked in two places, (the top floating rib) separated at the solar plexus. Cool. Whatever. A month later, I get back into ab work, lifting, et al. Then, sparring, I take another kick to the solar plexus. Same symptoms. Same recovery. Now, however, when I bend over so that I move my ribs, I get a pain in my chest which kinda feels like a cross between indestion and a cramp from running. It goes away after about a half hour. Also, occasionally, I'll get a sensation (usually around the solar plexus, sometimes closer to the right side of my rib cage, always under the rib) of bubbles or ball bearing moving. Thing is, the injury to my rib is just over my liver? Any danger? What could I do which would not be to costly to check it out?
  20. Just some food for thought . . . here's the workout I used to put on 35lbs in three months (should be noted that I ate about 3,500 calories a day [small meals, mostly protein and complex carbs, protein shakes]). [Not Counting Warmups or Cooldowns] Pullup: 2x10 (minimum) Reverse Dumbbell Flyes: 2x8 Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 2x8 Bench: 1x8, 1x6 @ 70% and 80% of 1 rep maximum Deadlift: (w/trap bar; safer) 2x6 @ 75% of 1 rep maximum Dumbbell Front Squat: 2x10 @ 80% of 1 rep maximum (max calculated with DBs also) Leg Press: 2x8 @ 80% I did this routine twice a week, Tues and Fri, and saw major improvements. Immediately after cooldowns, I drank a protein shake, usually about 800 calories. Hope this helps.
  21. Okay, I'm not training in boxing, as in the sport. I'm not even training in a different style. It's just a title I use to diffirentiate my workouts in my day timers. I like the Shaolin reference with 108, and again I reference older Kung Fu flicks with the "Boxing." I'm not creating/practicing a separate style, I'm just using Isshinryu as my basis to explore the combative arts. Because, if I were to form a style, system, what have you, it'd be called: "Grand Ultimate Okinawan/American Full-Body Boxing Plum Lotus Flower Fist!" Well, that's the abbreviated name, anyway
  22. Okay, here's a question that arose when I was recording my latest technical workout. Do I train in Isshinryu Karatedo? Well, looking at the fact that Isshinryu is not exactly a traditional "style," nor was it designed to be a "Do" form of martial sport, I had to say no. Then, I looked closer. I checked my shadow boxing. My bag work. My footwork drills. Speed bags. Reflex bags. Book bags. Yada Yada Yada. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that, considering the training I do outside of inclass practice, I was not an Isshinryuka. Two reasons for this: 1. I do not fight, nor do I train, in a manner similar to the eight emptyhanded kata of the style. 2. I don't like having restrictions on what I do. But, my sensei does not fit the mold of a traditional sensei, though I'm sure he would be somewhat offended (and would find it a bit funny) if I told him I was not an Isshinryuka, but a 108 Boxer (my little nickname for my workouts). So, that being said, here's my question for everyone: Do you practice a style, or train in something somewhat different?
  23. I try to use it after every workout (weights and technical class). I don't have any access to real Jow, but I have some homemade analgesic that works great for me: Necessaries: Bengay Ultra Strength Capzasin HP (or the generic version) Mentholatum (or Vicks Vaporub) Two Tablespoons of Cayenne Pepper (powder) I mix this in a small pot (sans Cayenne), heat until just before boiling, then pour into whatever container is handy. Then, I mix in the pepper, shake what my mamma gave me, then let sit in the dark for about two-three days. I apply this to my hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, and feet after every workout. I am in the process of ordering some Jow from https://www.ditdajows.com I have heard only positive feedback on their product, and their staff has been amazing in helping me reserve the "Fiery Phoenix" Jow. If you want a few more Jow links, email me: shodan_v2.0@lycos.com
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