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bboydocument's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. thanks guys, i appreciate all the help and advice you've all given. you've all (especially tibby) made things alot clearer i think it's best that i not work my muscles into isolation and start with the basics first..
  2. Ok excellent, so you guys say that i should keep the same workout but workout my lower body and legs more frequently? is that right? should i workout my legs 3 times a week, on the same days as i work out my upper body? and what should i do about the weight range? Should i lift really heavy weights so my arms and legs are sore and can't lift anymore? or should i lift what i am 'comfortable' lifting? i'm worried about lifting till i'm sore because it makes me to sore to train in TKD the next day. and another thing, i'm scared about burning off all that gain because of the intense cardio (running, heavy bag, skipping) i do in TKD and at the gym. Plus is it true that if you don't have body fat for the body to burn off, your muscles are next? because i don't have any body fat at all and thats what i think i found was happening. i'd go to the gym and gain like 5lbs and then burn it off the next day in cardio. Well if guys can answer those questions thanks alot, your help is appreciated! =)
  3. ^ Thanks for the reply man! I should've mentioned that What i did mean by weight gain was Muscle gain. Here is the workout program my friend made for me. Monday: Chest, Tricep, Abs (Bench Press, Incline Flyes, Cable Crossover, Tri pushdown, Tri Extention, Tri Pushup, etc) Wednesday: Back, Biceps, Abs (Lat pull down, seated row, one arm row, bicep curls, one arm preacher curls, cable curls, etc) Friday: Shoulders, Legs, Abs (Shoulder press, rear shoulder press, dumbell press, leg press, leg extentions, leg curls) 3 sets of each * 8 Heavy reps So yeah, That is the program i was talking about. So can you help anymore?
  4. Ok, I am sick of sitting around doing nothing about this, i really advice i want to get back into the gym and start weight training again. i'm a 20 year old male 6'3" and only 160lbs (73kg). Yes i am tall and very slim and weak, with High metablosm. I train hard for TKD (yellow belt) and want to start full contact combat like kickboxing or MT. My problem is this, i want to get stronger and faster while seeing an increase in my weight and shape, but i am clueless on how to do this!! Now i was on this weight training program a friend made for me, but it was a WEIGHT GAIN program. This program is useless for me since i burn off EVERYTHING i gain in the cardio and training i do for TKD!! I go to the gym with this workout program he made up for me but i feel like i am wasting my time with it, i am seeing no results because i burn it all off and i still look like a weak skinny rake. I want to do something about this! My goal is become a good fighter in kickboxing, but i can't do this with my body size and weight. Is there a program for me that i can do to make me have power, speed, strength, endurance WHILE making me look solid at least??? Please people, i need your advice. I'd appreciate it alot Thanks! [/b]
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