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Everything posted by Niko

  1. Hey i weigh 125 pounds , I am not carrying any fat on my body, so yea...
  2. If your abs are just barely visible , will lots of sit ups help? ( say like 50-100 a night)
  3. I just hate it when your sparring with a partner and there are people sparring with partners too around u, and all of a sudden you start to smell something really nasty , its quite embarrasing for everyone because although nobody says anything they are thinking of who could have possibly farted.
  4. face punch , stomic punch , then front kick . Thats pretty basic and i think effective if u do it quick enough..
  5. In my school usually pushes to the chest , and grabbing the arms /rist are usually the most common
  6. If your abs are just barely visible , will lots of sit ups help? ( say like 50-100 a night)
  7. If u are taught in the Russian Special Froces , do people concider the training as a martial art??
  8. Niko


    Hentai is amazing man!
  9. If u do get to join the special forces , do they get paid good?
  10. im from greece !
  11. Niko


    Hentai is the best man!
  12. Isnt it cencored on Toonami , and how bout yu yu hakusho thats probably cencored too.
  13. From greece, yea!
  14. how can u get into the special forces ?
  15. I dont know if i can keep this topic up to date with my progress because Im just 16. so it will take me a while before i can open up my own dojo (plus im only in orange belt, im getting my green soon.)
  16. Thanks for the advise
  17. can u have a career in martial arts ? because what if u finish university but decide u dont want to have some fancy job, you just want to teach martial arts, would it be worth it?
  18. Im taking Karate , and the type is Shotokan, whats the difference with all the other types of styles?
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