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Everything posted by TAKBULLDOG

  1. I like my Sensei but I'm tired of punching and kicking air. We do no bag work, no strength training. Just kata. I'm switching to something more physical and street prep. Im thinking of taking San Soo. I dont want to be a pro fighter, I just want to make sure I can handle myself if i'm ever attacked. Any other suggestions?
  2. Go see a doctor. He'll give you prescription anti-persperent. It worked for me.
  3. I study Traditional American Karate. It's a mixture of Shorin-Ryu,Shotokan,and San Soo. TRADTIONAL meaning it's traditional roots from Okinawan karate and San-Soo. AMERICAN meaning Americans' take parts of stuff and mix it, making it American. KARATE being a generic word nowadays for martial arts.
  4. Remember, power comes from your hips and mid-section. Pivot when you punch or kick to get your body weight behind them. Like they say in baseball, "Use your hips when you hit". Also, lift weights, eat protein, and use a heavy bag.
  5. Shotokan is good for the street. My system is a mix of Shotokan,Shorin-Ryu, and San Soo. All are very good for the street
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