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Everything posted by DarkClyde

  1. I read that the old religion for the ninja was Mikkyo. It was some secret religion from China or Tibet I think. The Ninja had more a philosophy then a religion. They could have had religions as far as being people of a certain background in a certain area but as far as their religion forming their training is unlikely. You can be a drug dealer and go to Church every sunday. But you don't deal drugs in the name of the Lord. So it was more a philosophy of constant training.
  2. There are a lot of weapons in the Bujinkan. But when you get down to it everything is a weapon. And again you'll find once you get into it all the weapons are the same and once you get good with one all the others will just be easy too. It's all just a feeling and once you capture that feeling you can apply it to anything. Like if you visit the ocean and you get a certain feeling. Then when you listen to a tape of the ocean you get the same feeling. Or when you sit quietly and think about the ocean you get the same feeling again. So that sort of thing is a big part of the Bujinkan. There are weapons per grade but really it depends more on your instructor. Weapons don't really matter untit your Taijutsu is good anyway. So your best bet is to seriously practice Taijutsu and then just goof around with weapons so that when it comes time at least your not all goofy and uncoordinated with a bo or whatever.
  3. Who was your instructor? What did you think and do you still practice it?
  4. How am I lying? Which Combat-Ki instructor have you trained with? You misunderstood (as I am not surprised) the Ki is just a feeling. And you don't like my last quote because you know it apllies to you.
  5. Has anyone heard or practiced anything related to ninjutsu?
  6. Yin-Yang is about balance but not an obtainable or controlable balance. The universe and everything are always in balance. Because that's its nature. To say the universe is not balanced is like saying it's wrong. As far as duality or thinking it represents duality is to be human. It's like in the Matrix, our minds are always at odds back and forht yes and no. We limit ourselves and our external world to yes or no. But Yin-Yang is only one thing. Even to say Ying and Yang is to seperate and catagorize it. Our minds like a computer are binary and so to do we try to group our ideas, theories and such in the same manner. Another way to think abour Yin-Yang is as change. Constant change. But within constant change, is still the ability to remain the same for as long or short as possible. Here's a scary thought for you guys. It there is always balance within the universe and no extreme can last forever, then in the universe right now there is life. The balance of or inevitablity of change denotes that there must therefore come a time when there is no life what so ever with the universe, meaning that by the very basic theory which is Yin-Yang, humanity and even the earth are doomed. Chew on that.
  7. I don't mean to be rude with that last line but there are two kinds of people on this board: those who give out information and those who destroy any and all information. I'm just tired of reading Johny white been doing martial arts for 2 weeks saying that the stuff I got from the Grandmasters is wrong or "unlikely".
  8. It's not pain tolerance. Because if if you have no feeling in your arm and you get hit hard enough you'll bruise. But with this Combat-Ki, done properly, won't leave a bruise no matter how hard the hit. And if you don't believe me then do some research, obtain an informed opinion and then get back to me
  9. Yeah I don't understand what your talking about. What about those people?
  10. Why don't you grow up and talk about the topic instead of correcting my english? And by master I meant Menkyo-Kaiden but you don't know what that means right?
  11. It's was on Ripleys. Here's a link to check it out. http://members.cavtel.net/greatneck/Soke%20Rod%20Sacharnoski%20-%20Juko%20Kai%20International.htm
  12. But Ki is Ki. Red Ki , liver Ki, natal Ki. It's all Ki. Ice, water, steam, condensation, sweat, clouds. It's all the same. Yeah it's a little different one has salt another doesn't but are they not all water H2o. Anyway sciencetifically this isn't 100% true but I should you hope you get the idea. Why can't you absorb some Ki from around you if you run low? I absorb Ki from drinks, food, air but I can't from all around me. This doesn't really make sense since air is all around me. I can absorb Ki from air but not from around me, but mostly all that's around me is air so...And maybe since the body is a better conductor then battery, it makes sense that the Ki we "use" doesn't come solely from inside but from around us. You'll never amount to much if the only Ki you can use is the measely amount your body creates.
  13. That Combat-Ki stuff is very dangerous. So think of it like if you meet a qualified who's willing to teach you then it's time for you to learn. If not then you aren't good enough. I've heard all kinds of stories about people getting hurt even though they were very good at it. They weren't too good if they got hurt right? Well when the guy striking can't hit a target the size of a basketball then "accidents" are bound to happen. Combat-Ki isn't the end all of the martial arts world but if you can get it, it's nice to have. But until your a good martial artist, lots of practice etc, it's not of much use to practice. But by all means read up on it.
  14. There is no one who can ever master a Ki technique. Why? Because your Ki can always be made stronger. Say for fun you can move a card. Did you master the technique of moing things? Probably not if all you can move is a card try and move two cards add weight until you can lift cars, buildings, planets. What's the heaviest thing you can lift? There's no such thing. You'd have to travel the universe to find bigger planets to see if you could move those. So this was all crap, but it's just to show you can't master anything let alone Ki stuff. If by the topic you wanted to find the easiest technique to learn or to denote progress, it would probably be a Ki ball. But just feeling Ki move in your body is really good and important to do. There is just so much you can do with it. Depending on what you're dead set on learning will effect your progress and what will be "your" best technique. You wanna learn how to fly giver. You wanna learn to fix your arthritis in your ______ then practice that and you'll get it eventually. And if it's a little crazier like flying etc then still try for it I guarantee you'll learn something on the journey.
  15. No internal energy isn't a misinterpretation. It's unlikely that every translator translated the same thing wrong and for years and years. That's something though, I've never heard that before. As far as what Chi is, it's a less powerful more logical and believable version of the force in Star Wars or in DBZ. Take out the fact that it doesn't have to be entertaining or make money or be overexagerated and that's pretty close or at least something like real Chi/Ki.
  16. battousai- Don't follow this website or anything on it. I also wouldn't recommend you follow a book either. They are both great resources however for you to compare and contrast what your teacher says if you have one. Also you shouldn't believe anything until you can do it or someone you 100% trust can do it, like a teacher. There is a lot of good stuff in Star Wars, DBZ etc. If you are mature enough to look past the fact that it is a cartoon and sometimes it's stupid, but a lot of the concepts with toned down into real life make a lot of sense. Star Wars for instance is very much the same as Ki. But if you can't see past your nose, have a closed mind, trust only your 1 months worth of experience under one teacher, then yes a lot of things won't make sense or seem far out there. But keep looking and eventually if there's anything worth learning you'll get it. It's like those good movies that you've seen many times but the 8th or 25th time you see it something else or new clicks and you understand more. This is why countless people devote their lives to these things because they are endless and there is no definition or answer.
  17. Where I come from good mechanics is called Taijutsu. Taijutsu is moving naturally. After your taijutsu is good as in you move naturally and are more in tune with your body and the way it works you can then begin to understand Ki. Proper movement develops your Ki and you become able to use it. I have seen a lot of people combine the two. Where you see someone calling proper movement Ki. As in we'll say the one inch punch. There is no Ki needed for this action. As in anymore then you need to brush your teeth. And of course, if you have Ki at your disposal then it would no doubt help. So for someone who has always heard leverage and angles and such described as Ki then it would be a radical thing to hear about Ki balls. But to dismiss it is very closed minded.
  18. Hey have you any experiences with mind reading? Or taking hard hits to vital areas? And I realize this is also present on DBZ in case anyone felt like pointing it out.
  19. I'm asking because I am looking for similarities. And so far I've only found those basics ones that I first posted to hold true.
  20. What's your art and experience?
  21. Just a quick question. How many people out there are black belts in any martial art? How many of those are black belts in arts that use Ki on a regular basis. Then how many of those people have teachers who have studied, achieved rank and are now Ki Masters or on their way with continuing correspondence with their teachers? So I would guess that most of you with no disrespect have answered no to the first question. Personally my teacher said he wouldn't start teaching my Ki openly until I was Nidan. My teacher is a Ki master. He didn't make anything up on his own. And he does not teach until 2nd degree black belt. So how can everyone out there be so attach to their opinion of Ki by never even being exposed to it other the most of the crap on the internet. Those site's you have to read half way through to figure out if it's martial arts or D&D the guy is talking about. All you people are going to damper Ki-Master's spirits because you throw-out everything he says. Take it like this if you can't count, how much does your opinion mean when you say you don't believe in adding? I didn't believe in Ki until I say it many times and eventually began doing. Even after months of doing I still disbelieved. It's all in my head, a joke, I'm going crazy etc. So keep going Ki-Master as my Teachers tell me.
  22. No it's just a lot of the stuff I've read on hear is always talking about breathing and how important it is. Well most of us breath everyday, most of us all day. And there was no mention of how to breath so I offered the basics and hoped for some more detail. Everyone is all into Qigong and everything else but how do you breath? And like Jerry brought up with imagery etc.
  23. I asked my teacher if you could use up your Ki or run out etc. He said not really because it's all around you not to mention in you. But if any of you are familiar with Soke Masaaki Hatsumi. He was sick for something like 5-6 years and he says it was Ki sickness. But he did something I'm guessing seriously overexerted himself, causing some sort of problem which led to him being sick for a long time. He hasn't said what caused it or anything just that it happened. So I think you can run low but not run out. I don't buy into Ki is a "life force present only within living things." But the odds of anyone ever doing something like making a Ki ball, as all of you do, so big that it sucks out your soul or something is nonsense. Play with your Ki as much as you want. If you've been out all night drinking yeah your Ki won't be so great and don't be surprised if it's really weak but keep trying under normal day to day circumstances and you'll get it.
  24. So now that that's out of the way. What do all you folk think about breathing techniques that pertain to building Ki? Just stuff that you people yourselves use and have found useful. I know there are a million Qigong books out there with every kind of action coupled with breathing as a sort of method but...You have the basics right: Sitting cross legged, back straight, in the nose out the mouth. Well you folks seem to have a lot to say so I'll leave you to it. Thanks
  25. Hey everyone I would just like to start off by saying I'd like to keep this thread for those who believe in Ki and wish to discuss it. I've been reading for hours and all I see is it going back and forth. So for all of you who don't believe in Ki, great we got the message. We accept you don't believe in Ki and thanks. I know I only need to hear it once.
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