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aphal's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. i see. thanks for your reply everyone.
  2. hi again, i've decided to lose weight some time ago, and the first week i spent researching and trying to actually find my motivation. but now i'm curious about something. i was wondering if walking everyday for 40 minutes would actually make me lose weight? or must i jog/run? has anyone ever sucessfully lost weight just by walking and with proper diet? thank you your reply will greatly be appreciated!
  3. well first of all you should practice doing your kicks really slowly with good form, and than speed up to the point where you can kick as fast as you can with good form. also do lots of exercises that train your fast twitch muscles.
  4. thanks Neil, I plan to follow the diet you gave me until I am able to get the weight loss book. however, I was wondering if it's ok to replace "raw almonds" with salted pistachios or boiled/salted peanuts? or is that bad since it has added salt to it? and boxeador, thanks for your advice about that invisioning thing!
  5. Hi again! So I'm going to take it one step at a time and follow all the advice that all of you have given me. Thanks for taking your time to reply! One last question though- Neil, from what I know Matt Furey says to eat anything natural, like meat, fruits, and veggies, but don't eat unatural processed foods, am i correct? how much weight did you lose on this diet and is it healthy? i'm wondering since it goes against the food pyramid.
  6. I'm fat and I'm starting to get really depressed about it, so I researched about losing weight safely, and now I know what to do.. But my problem is that I can't get motivated. I seem to have trouble just getting up and exercising, or to stop myself from eating the bag of chips, etc. Has anyone ever faced this problem and how should I motivate myself to stop doing this? Thank you, your help with my appreciated.
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