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Everything posted by Tamojin

  1. ya seven star is amazing - we call it Chut Sing Tong Long Chuan
  2. Seven Star has elbows, high and low kicks, ground fighting, throws, pressure points forms, weapons, knees and internal training. In our kwoon we only have a 3 sash system, it takes 2-3 years a sash - yellow, green and black. Hope this helps
  3. Northern Mantis has little in common with southern mantis.
  4. Mantis does have ground sweeps and kicks, elbows and knees are also prevelent - at least in 7 star. I don't know much about the other.
  5. I think kung fu is famous for being soft and misunderstood - which is just fine to those of us who practice it.
  6. I think 7 star praying mantis is pretty effective - it has elements of most effective parts of the shaolin styles as well as the then newly developed Mantis system. Kicks, punches, locks, throws, pressure points, submission holds as well as internal development.
  7. Does anyone know anything about this temple kung fu chain of schools?
  8. At my 7 start mantis school we have yellow, green and black sashes - thats all.
  9. We have sashes at my school - but only 3 - yellow, green and black. The sash is used to train and become aware of the tan tian or chi centre. It takes years to progress through each sash.
  10. I take Chut Sing Tong Long Chuan ( seven star pryaing mantis) - I love it - it's so comprehensive!
  11. I read numerous articles in BB magazine stating Bruce was constantly challenged and was never beate. Thats all i got. Tell me someone who says they beat Bruce Lee - Good luck!
  12. When I took jujutsu it was white yellow orange green blue brown black - it still took 5 years to get black though. My buddies it TKD were getting a new belt every 4 months - and it was killing me. I am take 7 star mantis now and its white yellow green black sash - about 1-2 years a sash - its different without the rewards - but it weeds out the trophy seekers i think.
  13. 6 - 7 years to get black sash in Seven Star Praying Mantis kung fu
  14. How can there be ninjas? Where do these people learn this art from? Is it not supposed to be secret? for assassination and subterfuge? Why is it so readily available to everyone? I always heard it was jujutsu with fancier clothes and weapons. Please please clarify its legitimacy!!
  15. Karate is a very straight forward system - kill the head the body dies. Lots of aggression. Most kung fu takes a long time to learn because is has many facets and theories. I don't think Okinanwan karate has anything similar to northern styles of kung fu; and frankly don't see any way that it is better or more effective. Stay on topic.
  16. Ya the student has a lot to do obviously That poll is a pretty stupid poll - no offense intended
  17. Bruce Lee beat everyman that ever challenged him and Chuck Norris was a full contact champion for many years before he was an actor. Check you facts. I've never heard Jet Li say he couldn't fight for real. Saying MA actors can't fight is something the naive tell themselves to feel better at night I think. They got disovered for a reason - not cause they sucked or were bad fighters.
  18. My Mantis training is very gruelling - its a tough system to take and be accepted into - they don't take everyone.
  19. Praying Mantis was invented by Wong Long who was a Taoist - not a monk. He came to test himself against the monks at Shaolin. After multiple defeats he invented Mantis and defeated the temple abbot. They then incorporated Mantis into the temple as the last style to learn after you have mastered the rest. As a Taoist he was allowed to leave and spread the art. I always thought wing chun was invented by a shaolin nun.
  20. Praying Mantis has a drunken form as well.
  21. My school only has yellow green and black sash - and the tests are free - never heard of paying for a test.
  22. Movies rarely reflect MA's accurately. Praying Mantis in movies is always way off base. The use of the mantis claw is always over- emphasized. In a movie with a kung fu hero the villains are usually Japanese and vice versa. at least in the older chinese ma films. Jet Li is a great man and chinese art advocate - his answer was very good. Bruce Lee seemed to rail against karate because that was the rage of the day i think.
  23. To be fair - there are a lot of kung fu schools who train to win forms competitions. The whole wu shu thing and all that. But there are still a few styles that train you for life and death fighting, like praying mantis, choy lee fut, my jong law horn, wing chun, pak mei, to name a few. There are just as many MMA schools out there who couldn't train you to fight your way out of a paper bag. Martial arts training prepares a person to fight and not panic as most people do. Its the person and the teacher that make the fighter - NOT the style.
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