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Everything posted by Evil_Gorilla

  1. Okay first off, this isint a post about shadowboxing, I do that alot as is... The thing im curious about is this, im normaly a right handed guy, I do everything right handed basicly. Wright, Talk on the phone, throw empty pop cans at the Refs at matches...everything with the right hand, except Fight. See I goto a mixed style Dojo (Karate, Kendo, TKD, Boxing), and my trainer, as good of one as he is, sense I started has always had me as a righty, its kinda prejudice in a way sense the whole set of boxers before now were all rights. Hell he even has a poster up saying Bear Boxers suck. Well a few times ago when I was sparing with my freind me and him were going good and he bet me $20 I couldn't knock him down by going southpaw. Well being the gambler I am, I tried the bet, what a big suprize to me, I was about 2 times better as a south paw. So anyways getting on here, is there any other freaks out there like me?, as in your right and fight southpaw, or left and fight standard. Or if you wanna coment on this freakish thing go ahead.
  2. I do try to do that, I breath on a few but then go right back to my old ways, and as for passing out only done it twice, I can go normal 45-50 pushups or 60 situps then I start getting dizzy.
  3. Okay here is my problem, I breath and act noremly when I spar and do punch and kick training, but doing other things like situps and pushups I don't breath, I have always had this problem, anyone have and ideas how I can possibly fix it?
  4. First of all I want to say these are some funny stories. Second of all, I have a question that pertains to my story. Do any of you out there have a old small chinese sensi, I mean I can't be the only one who has the sensi who has the morbid sense of humor. Okay well my story is one night of our training he was late so I was hoarsing around with the kickboxing class (my other style). Well he came in, I told him I was ready for my Monkey Kung-Fu lesson. He said tonights training was going to be a game. I looked very puzzeld at him, he left and came back in with a Chimp, okay now I figured "Yay a monkey!!!"...however this evil primate would soon make a @$$ out me. He said If I could catch it, he would buy me dinner for a weak, I jumped in the ring limberd up and he told the chimp to climb into the ring. I figured how tough could this be right?, I mean im a human and its animal...I have thumbs and logic to help me. I threw out a few punches hopefully to hit it so I could get it. I kept missing so I was getting pissed. We went round and round for what seemd like eternity, I had it pressed against the ropes about four feet away. I yelled out "I have your little Ape @$$ now!" I dove for him, however as I did he jumped into the air landing to the side, I looked at him, but was to late to look where I was jumping, went threw the ropes and onto the hardwood floor, the ape then jumped outa the ring onto my head, springboared off ran to his master and climbed up him...I then went home and intrestingly enough the Episode of DBZ wehre Goku has to get KingKais monkey was on. I hastly took notes....a week later I lured the ape over to me with a bunch of bannanas...it came over, I took of the Gui top and wrastled with it tell it gave up...he honored his promise and I got my free food!!! Now this I think is a intresting story...man vs. beast to the extreme
  5. Dear LORD...this...is the holy Grail ....and I didn't have to kill any rabits for it. Its just....so...pretty. Okay enough of that, this is a great site. I can't wait to use a few of these on my sparing partner This shall be payback for the time he used Capoeria on me.
  6. I personaly think its a good idea, you never can go wrong with offsetting grapling with strikes. There are just times when you can't wrap up on someone. As for tips, depends on your body type. If your Thin and agile, keep moving, and when you see a opening in your opponents side nail him hard. And for a heavy body type, keep gloves up and let them ware out a little on you. Also arm length, you got long arms hit em with jabs, if you got short arms...try to get up close and personal with em. Hope this helps P.S. If you got any other questions ICQ me...just say your from the boards or ill give you a funny look
  7. This is the method my traininer told me about, and its worked pretty good for me if I say so myself... Goto your kitchen, go into your drawer and pull out your rolling pin, go back to the couch and sitdown watch TV...and roll it back and forth over your shin then when your about to say...in the words of popeye "I can't stands it no more"...do that for a long time and it toughes them pretty good and you don't need to kick, its a good way to impress your trainer when you show up with stronger shins
  8. The best one I seen was... Bill Clinton, He did it between the Bushes
  9. I'm... Staer LeBoi Sgg Jeep of Antacid You know, I look at this and I think to myself.... DEAR GOD IM FRENCH!!!!!
  10. Well the basic diet I have always fallowed is about a week or two before a match cut caffene to a minimum, that way your not logy. Next kinda go by your build. You definantly need alot of carbs tho to help keep your body fuctioning but don't neglect your Protean. As usaual drink lots of water, if you can buy some lemons and toss em in a jug or something with the water. Besides giving it a good taste lemons help flush your system, wich is specialy good to help get that last bit of Caffeine out. Well thats what I do, I mix boxing and kickboxing dietys up a bit. Tell me if it helps some.
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