Okay first off, this isint a post about shadowboxing, I do that alot as is... The thing im curious about is this, im normaly a right handed guy, I do everything right handed basicly. Wright, Talk on the phone, throw empty pop cans at the Refs at matches...everything with the right hand, except Fight. See I goto a mixed style Dojo (Karate, Kendo, TKD, Boxing), and my trainer, as good of one as he is, sense I started has always had me as a righty, its kinda prejudice in a way sense the whole set of boxers before now were all rights. Hell he even has a poster up saying Bear Boxers suck. Well a few times ago when I was sparing with my freind me and him were going good and he bet me $20 I couldn't knock him down by going southpaw. Well being the gambler I am, I tried the bet, what a big suprize to me, I was about 2 times better as a south paw. So anyways getting on here, is there any other freaks out there like me?, as in your right and fight southpaw, or left and fight standard. Or if you wanna coment on this freakish thing go ahead.