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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    kung fu, muay thai, wrestling,
  • Interests
    weight lifting, martial arts,

Thuggish's Achievements

Blue Belt

Blue Belt (4/10)



  1. i meant this- from everything i can tell on the internet and in NEW text books, velocity is infact a vector, but, i have an old book here that says otherwise. apparently its wrong.
  2. i didnt mean that. i meant that i doubt many of us are seriously world class fighters, the best of the best, etc etc.
  3. i wont. no matter how perfect your form is, deadlifts will hurt you in the long run. i garuntee it.
  4. if a guy attacks you, pummeling him IS the only way to make sure he wont attack you anymore. do what you have to, just dont go absolutely insane, and explain calmly what happened to the authorities (only if you have to deal with them at all, that is. id prefer to simply hospitalize someone and leave.) if you were forced into action, and appear like a decent guy, youll be fine.
  5. racism... racism... hmmmm. well, there is a separate water fountain for the colored folk, that doesnt work, and separate toilets... but thats really about it.
  6. stupid america... i hate my countrymen... anyway, you could try and recommend a student to test once you know he/shes ready, and advise them not to when theyre not. basically, dont let them test until theyre going to pass. maybe (assuming you charge for the tests) give them the re-test for free.
  7. muscle or fat, your choice. work out, and for gods sake find someone who really knows how and will teach you correctly (most people dont), and make sure your body is ready for it. forget what radok said, dont do deadlifts. ever. (same goes for good mornings). know what? just send me a private message if you want a routine that will actually do you more good than bad.
  8. the army does cost you something- many years of your life. they also teach you mostly weaponry... because wars are fought with guns.
  9. good post whitey. anyway, yeah, totally agree its bad for your hands, not just because of everything whitey said, though its all true... but because the actual force on your knuckles, because they are bones, is bad. you can damage the tiny parts of the bone and over time push them back into your fist. and yea, probably any type of heavy bag would require gloves for the above reasons. personally, i like the fingerless gloves because they feel more like a fist than any other glove, though any bag glove (with enough padding for my rock hard denim filled 75lb-er) is acceptable.
  10. my point is that unless people here are professional (as in amateur or above) they dont get anywhere above like a 2 or 3. sure, there might be some serious asskickers in here, i dont know... but the way i rate it by the time you hit 4 youer preeeeetty damn good.
  11. okay, here goes: velocity is the same thing as speed, two words same meaning. velocity does not have direction. a vector has direction, as well as velocity (sometimes.) you know, martial arts people always seem so into physics, yet they always mess it up somehow.
  12. i dont know how youre all rating things... but it seems everyone has a different yard stick. me, id consider a normal guy whos never fought or trainied a zero, and someone like ken shamrock or lennox lewis or other world class fighters a 9 or 10. (my scale based soley on fighting ability) based on that, i seriously doubt anyone in this forum is above a 2, myself included. lets face it, they could whoop our * with the flu.
  13. im going to try a second time to get a conversation started about something in this forum. to all you heavy bag users out there: what kind of gloves do you prefer when pounding on it, and why?
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