Hmm just out of curiousity do most of you spar? If so what kind of tactics do you try in sparring or do you usually adept to what is going on? Do you have any preplaned tactics? If so plz tell me.
Hmm usually for the shito-ryu test to yellow belt all you have to do is do the basic moving blocks, show you can block punches in kumite and maybe the first kata..but you should be able to handle it.
hmmm tips for on the blocks and such..well the best thing would probably just to be ask your teach or the blackbelts that help teach the class
Hmm Yes competing is very fun I usually compete or work my way up to AAA Nationals.. I was accepted to Junior Olympics but..I didn't have the time to go so heh...I blew it off
What kind of training should people do to prepare for tournaments..sorry for asking this again but last time I only got 2 answers...and I already practiced those over and over.
Hmm Miks where do you compete and what belt are you? You seem very good Oh yes..forgot 1 more question how do you train for such tournaments in your dojo?