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Everything posted by Guitar_lover
ahhh got a gradeing this sunday. Any advice?
Ah....my thread changed slighty to something diffrent. Well KFC yes i do like it. Here in the uk...i eat there. I thought you know no one would really go to town on this thead as i asumed it pretty old. So what we on to now girlfriends?
Very well done, i enjoyed reading it?
Ok, super question here. Which one is your favorite out of the 4 and why?! Hehe.
Good point. Here here. peace
Well i am bored, anyone want to throw in a topic and we can disscuss it, lIke a senceable one. Please.....oh go on!
its the playstation 2
Hello!, hay do u meen Guyver has in the Bio-andriod killing thing, or some slang?
Hello!, I love dragons, u like guitars?
Yeah i was wondering for storys, of other people who have done Karate, how effective it has been in self defence situion. Or where u have messed up or something has to work, and u have learned from it. Or how it effected you. Just so i can learn from other people really this is, and to learn from other peoples mistakes. Which i feel is allways good. Peace
I like some animie, know loads of people who are really in to it. and got to convenions here in England about it. Me well i feel its allright, some is ok.
Anyone played this animie game, it rule. But i think the last song u do, sounds like radio head. But yeah, for those who don;t know, its a game where u play guitar. I like it.
yay GUITARS RULES. I like the open G on the guitar to. Learn how to move it to around the 9 fret then move it back and forth and it sounds nice. well i feel it does.... SOLO'S RULE. Oh and cheers Karate_women.
I drink now and then.
Don;t ya love it when karate has styles. that go into other styles, just to make is easier for ya
Is it B# or middle c!!!!!!! tell me your favorite note.
Hi i am Guitar_lover, and i have a guitar problem. *cough* anyway yeah i just found this forum. so i thought i say hi, good forum going on here. Well i am 16, learning Go-kan-Ryu Karate. Injoying the nice forums here. Errr play guitar alot, play dnd alot, enjoy fanstey stuff, rock music. But yeah, hope to speak to you all on a forum sometime. peace and love
The best block, is not being there. Blocks can be fast enough in a fight. But i usely slow them then run. For me, in my karate i am teachs in diffrent ways. You got real life suitations, kata and kumite. Each is explained diffrenly and apllied. I meen i learn a set amount of blocks, and god you saying you can't block a haymaker from a un trained ma person. I believe you can. I am not argueing just museing. Intreating points you make, i do believe there are rubbish teachers. But thats life, good luck in your training Niel. peace and love
Yeah! i write my own stuff. Not lyrical stuff, i am a guitarist, and i am in a band. Just need bloody practiceing. Doing up a shed in my back garden for it. But yeah, start of nice and easy. I learned the basic chords first. Then ya get Gd7 and stupid things like that. also learn SOLO'S . Nah it all takes time. i ant great and i been learning for about a year peace
Well this thead is about. Who have play MK deadly alliance and who things all the NAMED! MA'S init and how everyone init fights a diffrent way. Allso they all cross-train init . exspect that werid one with a hammer for a hand. Also there weapons init. people who play it try the missions out it gives background info sometime on each MA the charter you chose does. Raiden: There are over 720 for of Juitsu (excuse spelling this from memory) Raiden has mastered them all. such a cool line. Don;t know if the number is right. But yeah peace!
OH wow! MA PEOPLE WHO ALSO PLAY GUITAR 2. man i been learn sence last june. I only go a Fender squire Bullet, not bad light and sounds ok. But yeah man i love guitar and GUITAR SOLO'S!!!!!!!! yeah peace.
Well i think Karate can be affective style, As in my Style they teach both self defence situations and competertive. I meen ive been taught how to counter haymakers as they are the most common attack in england anyway. From idouts and thugs, but yeah stuff like that. I meen i learnt alot of attacks for when people get right close and nasty. But its all good fun. peace
I was wondering what have people, feel that the best gain that have gotten from there karate training. For me i am so much more focused and conferdent. I feel i have improved as a person because of it. Strange how being taught it can affect so much. Sorry if this has been done?. peace and love
To me. Morals over regligion matter, to me (heh reapeated myself there). Good moyals and being a good,nice and compassante person and being kind. I don't wish to offend regligios people, i respect your beliefs. I one of those people who don't know what higher power is about. But i try and be as kind as possible. My Karate training has helped me aswell, given me focus, conferdence and many other thing. err thats it Peace and love