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Everything posted by Guitar_lover

  1. i condition on sand bags to strenthen my knuckles and wrist at wing chun, yet in a fight your can't really spend time aiming for areas of the other persons body.
  2. This is a training in china traveling company is the best way to describe it have a look. Anyone think its real? http://www.kungfu-taichi.com
  3. Its not arrow walk or turning on the side. Its a piece of footworkwork when you are useing the knifes.
  4. well for foot work i could only find this one link, i these others aswell to have a look at. The footwork is not actly in the first link i show, so...well process of emimanateion. I could be chating rubbish. This is the footwork clip http://www.martialartinstitute.com/Assests/video%20clips/classical%20wing%20chun%20footwork.mpg I got it off this website some good videos of Wing chun. http://www.martialartinstitute.com/video_clips.htm
  5. Its not circle step or triangle. Its from the arrow walk stance, and its a kinda a lunge to quickly get to an attacker. i done it with tarn and punch in reponce to someone trying to attack you about a meter away. Because arrorw walk is about a shuffle distants you use that footwork. Also you gain alot more power, its a move used with knifes usaly. So thats the only way i can describe it.
  6. Yeah i am haveing trouble with this bit of footwork. Wonder if anyone understand it. In stead of the normal Arrow walk, it takes for back leg and as you step forward it become the front leg with a hip twist. Semi very karate like. You gain loads of power, well i would if i could do it right. Its semi at the moment, but it seems to leave you open, i could see it working if someone commented to an attack. What are Kung fu people in general opinion?
  7. Yeah i have, theres lots of gibberish, hopefully thiers someone in the know around here. Ah well thank you
  8. Ah well worth a try, a guess that was a resounding no.
  9. i see it more as the warrior within. Not afraid of who i am, changeing the parts i dislike. To be a warrior you do not need to fight physicaly.
  10. Anyone on here know how i could join a mechwarrior 4 gameing clan and join a gameing league. cheers.
  11. When you say Martial, it meens war and as a Marshall Artist (sorry for miss spelling) you are indeed a Warrior. But do we need to be a typical warrior we think of. Someone who fights other people physicaly. Of course if we are discussing helping people, if we can we should as human beings. But being in how i been taught a warrior or martial artist you should be one inside and out, in confronting yourself and others in all ways. In haveing the strenth to change ourselfs to be more respectfull, calm, dissaplined, reliable, respectfull or well mannered. In doing that you effect other people around you. To run away if you are attacked thats smart, if someone in troble and you choose not to help them and you can. Could be called cowardly, or heartless, but do we ever know the suitation i like to say i would and i feel pretty certain that i would. Anyway thiers me chating what i think cheers.
  12. Well, again to me Wing Chun or Tsun, is like Karate but you got Shotokan and Goju-Ryu or whatever. Diffrent but the same. Anyway on to Grappling, my Sufu Sata Chand and Sufu Steve, from old essex(england). Have taught grappling in thier classes, usely only in quitet late monday classes. I been taught the the 3 prinsables and sticking can work on the floor useing your legs and allways trying to fight from any position. I have had classes devoted to attemping moves in positions that you are uncomfortable in or not use to. Like sitting cross-leged, or on your back, on your side. Have people throw you, trip you, take you down. I find it very good that my Sufu's teach this. Becuase when i have been reading about Kung Fu (includeing wing chun) this was not allways noted. Anyway, thought i have a chat about it.
  13. Raiden, now that would be cool! or errrr Lu Kang but he is dead now
  14. Yeah i allways go home, and train with my friend in normal clouthes. He knows abit of karate and tai chi and mucks around, so he very random to fight. Good laugh.
  15. Yeah, i am looking forward to the Last Samurai moive, should be good.
  16. Oh i been workig on strikes, abit of sparing at all levels. Some bunkai, with ma kata. Some self defence combos as well. Been good fun
  17. Oh...i see people cared.
  18. Oh i am a big fanstey nut. So LOTR has its place, but also the hobbit, dragonlance chronciles and hichhikers guide to the galaxy is amazeing. und stuff.
  19. I am just curoius. How manys Kung fu styles are there, or beinging of brances cos you get many under the same name. Also Drunken Boxing, whats its real name? whats it like? WHat do you learn? etc Apart from that, how we all doing? peace.
  20. Hmm, I do Use light contact. And my style is officaly light/non contact. But most times, i see it go full contact. But i agree with treebrance.
  21. So, i have desided to post, again. So whats have you all been learning in your karate lessons. Have you had any profound thoughts? How are we all? I am Orange belt now, getting my * kicked reguley good fun stuff. peace
  22. Well....guitar...playing guitar and gigs get in my why.
  23. Thats really usefull cheers, is there anywhere on that how they are used me in depth?
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