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Everything posted by NightShade_UK

  1. hey everybody. a friend of mine, his name is ralph, wants to study a martial art; which is a good thing his main goal is to get into shape, which for him means develope strenght, cardio and flexibility. he is not fat or anything, but he wants to look a little more trained/fit whatever u like. everything else like self defense, flashynes etc are nto so important i think. i myself train in tkd, but i am not sure whether this is the best way to go for ralph as well. i told him i'm gonna think about it... so what do you guys say?
  2. err... what? i didnt know dances were part of this brutal stand up fighting art. do they do this in thailand only? groin strikes as well btw: what makes Muay Thai so brutal and effective? what is the belt system like? and how long do you need to train to get of those well-trained MuayThai guy bodys
  3. what a cool show!!
  4. this is a really funny cartoon
  5. i very kinda dumb asking this question but here it goes anyway... how do i have to wash my TKD dobok after training? anything special to keep in mind? i dont want it to get smelly because of my sweat, which will be in it over and over again. thanks.
  6. how long do you need to train to do such a kick, or a kick that is close to that one? http://www.connacht-taekwondo.com/pictures/Side%20Kick.jpg
  7. i like the idea of this thread @ Icetuete
  8. why do people bash TKD that much and very few other arts? this thread is for all the people who do TKD or know about it, so they can tell us what they love about it and what its advantages over other styles are!
  9. so any art would be good to some extend i myself thought about getting her back to some grappling art or maybe an aerobic workout art like tkd. the meditation and low contact arts are worth a thought as well, but how do you finally CONVINCE this specific person? in my opinion its a very good idea to start a martial art in that situation, but how do u make her try it? give a membership as a present for christmas? try to convince her by argument? dont think any of these'd work... good ideas are appreciated.
  10. hey all!! imagine this: you are a 54 years old female housewife, stiff, overweight, have about NO cardio, are not very strong and cant to sports for too long. 30 years ago u were green belt in jiu jitsu but u quit for some reason. which martial art suits u best, to burn some fat that surrounds ur stomach, loose weight, get better cardio and as well have a reconciliation for ur everyday stress. in addition to that u have a job as a teacher and householding to do. so u probably dont want to spend too much time in the dojang... self defense is not so important, but is nothing bad. just one more thing: u fear u will embarras urself and u are not willing to believe that in a good dojo, u are respected for the efforts u make in such an age, withouth real expierience. so - where would you go? which style is best for u? and how can u be convinced that it is better to do a sport than to sometimes sit on ur hometrainer?? p.s.: dont know whether this should've been put into "getting started" - if so; pls move
  11. i finally found an appropriate dojo where i am going to begin TKD in a matter of weeks. maybe 8 or 9! because i cant wait to finally start, i dont want to waste the time in between. to all who do tkd... since i dont know anything about forms yet and since i dont want to practice them by book or whatever... how can i prepare myself? except perhaps from this jogging stuff or stretching and anything i probably would have got as a reply. hope u can help
  12. i as well wondered what this chan hun style is, but these sites did not help me in no way.
  13. in my area there is judo, shaolin kempo, Jiu-Jitsu, kung fu (shaolin style and one more i dont exactly know about), tkd and wushu as far as i am concerned. so which of these makes gets me into a better shape the best/fastest ?
  14. hi all! i want to learn a martial art. thats für sure. but what?? the most important thing is that it makes me a better athlet. i am an amateur sportsman and not even a very good one. i dont have too much cardio as well and am not very strong. what martial art is best for me? dont have any expirience with them yet. thanks in advance!
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