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Furious Kurai

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Furious Kurai's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Will someone develop me a good leg routine?!! I want big bulky, muscular, cut legs I have a 34.5" waists and 23.5" Quads and 14.5" calves that is UBER small my legs are smaller than my upper torso. and incase you want other numbers 40" Chest (48" if you count shoulders) 14" Arms 11" Forearms All measurements are when "cold". Not pumped or anything. Anyway please help my quads and calves grow!!! Ppl told me high reps kills and builds the legs. Others told me High weights low reps. I dunno which brings what results. Never really paid attention I just worked my legs. so I dunno what's the key to building massive muscular Quads/ hams/ and calves. I do squats with different foot placements, deadlifts, calf raises with different foot placements, seated calf raises with different foot places, lunges etc. Any tips? Number of sets and Reps?! Thanks I really want bigger legs and yes I'm eating enough good food for bulking. But my upper body smashes my lower body as fars as proportion. Thanks
  2. Which one would win? Also, does anyone have any vids/clips/links of wing chun fighting against other styles other than wing chun? I've seen MT take on other styles and come up on top, but I've never seen Wing chun go against any other style besides wing chun, so I was just wondering. Thanks in advance
  3. What style teaches backfist, limb grabs, trapping, bone breaking, joint locks, escapes, blocks, parries, evade, ground fighting, fighting mulitple opponents etc.? I'm looking for an art that will let me......for example grab and hold an incoming punch and counter attack with a backfist. thanks.
  4. First off when you train they lock the door. I dunno why i think its so no one can disturb class. Oh yeah they're are no places to sit. You can't walk-in and watch classes, you have to make an appointment..after you do that you can't watch the class, they only give youa basic run in of it. All we did today was drill jabs. Now...this isn't my first muay thai session, I've been in it for a while.....anyway we did jabs for 1 hour and 45 mins pretty stupid. There's other techniques to drill with..and he only makes you train one side...this is dumb because instead of balancing out both sides, you only make one side stronger while the other side becomes weaker and weaker. They have some champs and are a part of the IKF but still it just doesn't feel right. Oh yeah this fool made me do 100 push-ups because I didn't wear his official "Cooper's Muay thai Gym" T-shirt that I paid for with my hard earned money! I mean damn it didn't say in the agreement it was required to wear the gym's official t-shirt. Only handwraps, mouthguard and a cup. As long as you wore loose and comfortable clothing you were set to go but noooooo. I wear a Nike T-shirt and its the biggest crime in the world. I can see if he gave me the shirt...but dude I'd PAID for the damn shirt...its a shirt not a gi.....its nothing to be doing a 100 push-ups after a very long hard boring training session......I over trained my left side today because of this.. and he knows I just recovered from a nerve injury so over training is very stupid, the body needs to rest and only gets stronger when it rest. I could do 100 push-ups if I was fresh but............he made me do it when I was extremely tired and in pain because of my neck......I almost threw up...I'm thinking about leaving this gym and go take up some good reality fighting Gung fu or Japanese Ju-jitsu. http://www.kickboxingsites.com/mi/index.cfm?page=19 That's the place I go to. The instructor is a little chubby though.-_^
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