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Everything posted by wilko9999

  1. toa of jeet kune do by bruce lee
  2. wilko9999


    my speed is bad how can i pick up my speed because the next belt is brown so i going to do full contact fighting can u help thanks
  3. congrats, i am hopeful that i am going for my Black 1st Dan at the end of this year
  4. Day u r no't 2 old, i was 14 when i started it is harded a the start but if you stick at it you will get your black belt
  5. Ripper if that is why you do karate i don't think you should do karate, you r the people who waste the class's time and you do join for self-defence, people how hold you back, i get so weed off when i teach people who run about
  6. £12.50 for Kyu Grades and £12.50 for Dan grades
  7. hi Style: Trodai Karate Katas I know: Basic kata, Hand movement, Snake movement ,Crane movement, Tension Kata L8er
  8. hi, welcome and happy birthday
  9. wilko9999

    Fav Kata

    Crane Movement
  10. sorry but i don't get it ever, it was boring
  11. lol not bad, not bad
  12. wilko9999


    hi do you have your name on your black belt ? and do you think it is a good idear ? because when i go for my black i do not no if i shounld have my name on the belt. L8er
  13. semi contact sparring ok you can not hit below the belt and no punching and kicking to thr face but you can kick to the side of the head with a roundhouse kick and with your hand you can do ridge hand and back fists and hit the person light. full contact sparring you can not hit below the belt you can punch to the face but no kicks you can hit the person a hard as you can. L8er
  14. In Trodai Karate it go's White Belt Red Belt Blue Belt Orange Belt Green Belt Yellow Belt 1st Purpel Belt (me) 2nd Purpel Belt Brown Belt Black Belt 1st Dan 2nd Dan to 10th Dan L8er
  15. wilko9999


    Hi Do you think you should bow when you enter a Dojo, even if you do Karate and the Dojo is a Muay Thai Dojo, i think you should Bow before you enter a Dojo even if it is not your martial art tip And do you bow when you enter your martial art Dojo ? because i bow be fore i enter a dojo. L8er
  16. practice i slow with a lot of power then get a bit faster untill u get the same power as the slow one, keep doing this L8er
  17. Hi hope to buy some nunchucks, it's illegal to carry nunchucks but you can carry then to karate and if the police say a think to you, you can say to then i am going to karate. L8er
  18. for karate i think that i they could start at 4-5, butr we have a kid class then when the kid go home we start a adult lesson. L8er
  19. Hi say to your Sensei "i like your gold writing on your Black belt did you paint it on your self" then say 2 he "your tummy is hanging over your painted belt i think you need to go to the gym" L8er P.s. dont say it, i think you will be kick out
  20. i like the bruce lee one thats good and the chop strick one L8er
  21. hi i started when i was 14 and now i am 16 i have been going for 1 year and 9 mouths L8er
  22. Andrew "Swinging" Wilkinson There is always time for a rendezvous and you are never one to pass up a romantic opportunity if presented. Sometimes this gets in the way of your mission, but hey baby you have to keep things in perspective! Vital Gear Includes a martini, velvet lounging robe and rotating bed. this site is cool L8er
  23. my name = Wilan Hilder my Title = nos none of can't remember
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