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The Machine

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Everything posted by The Machine

  1. Check out this site which deals with the five martial elements http://home.stny.rr.com/iama/elements.html What element would you say applies most appropriately to your style?
  2. you don't need any equipment to get ripped chest muscles. I have a powerful chest and i acquired it by doing: 5 sets of maximum normal pushups (30 sec rest between sets) 5 sets of maximum diamond pushups (30 sec. betwee) But keep in mind to make these excercises effective you must practice perfect form, and try to isolate and only work the chest muscles. You should intake at least 30 g of protein after each workout also. (can of sardines)
  3. you don't need any equipment to get ripped chest muscles. I have a powerful chest and i acquired it by doing: 5 sets of maximum normal pushups (30 sec rest between sets) 5 sets of maximum diamond pushups (30 sec. betwee) But keep in mind to make these excercises effective you must practice perfect form, and try to isolate and only work the chest muscles. You should intake at least 30 g of protein after each workout also. (can of sardines)
  4. front kick- mae geri reverse punch- gyaku tsuki left punch- hidari tsuki
  5. The reason your instructor was making you practice techniques repeatedly hard (go), and soft (ju) is because you must repeat each movement, strike, and counter in Goju practicing it this way seperately so that ultimately you will be able to combine these two ways so that every technique is, "Goju". for example when executing a punch you will have great speed in the first part of the punch and in the last bit of the punch you will have the power to delivery a knockout blow.
  6. I have studied Goju-Ryu many years and have learned have always been taught side kicks are not the best as it limits yourself offensively. I find side kicks more natural to me, and wouldn't side kicks leave you less open??........i'd like to hear your thoughts regarding this.
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