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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. When buying any videos, DVDs, books, equipment, etc... we'd greatly appreciate you using the link at the top of the site - http://www.karateforums.com/shop - just wanted to mention it. Thanks.
  2. Hey, Let's keep all of the 24FC stuff over here for the time being: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12982&start=20 Thanks.
  3. I have spoken with Mr. Redmond and he has confirmed that the site is down and will "never be back". He said that the reason was that he got tired and running it and ran out of steam.
  4. I understand what you are saying, tommarker. No offense taken, don't worry. At the same time, different sites give different information. Some sites have the same information, some sites have other information. None of it really relates to corporations. Thank you shotochem... I wasn't looking for thanks, just making a point. Maybe the site isn't done. From what I have seen though (the index page only), it looks as though it is. Still, you never know.
  5. It doesn't have to do with coporations. Blaming the "evil corporations" is far, far too easy and (I feel) irresponsible. We run a hosting service - bandwidth costs money... so hosting costs money and that goes for everyone. Individuals, corporations and so on. It isn't hard to make enough money to cover basic costs. I am an individual myself. So, please don't blame corporations.
  6. Removed in error. Thank you for understanding.
  7. Hope everyone had fun. We decided to change some ranks around, making it a bit more "serious" of an issue this year then last (KnittingForums.com). I became a White Belt (I normally don't have a belt), Senseis became Yellow, Sempais become Orange. Depending on the post count, each regular user was given a staff member title, either KF Administrator, KF Sensei or KF Sempai. All of the staff members were in on it. I will set it back by tomorrow. Thanks.
  8. No, Sai doesn't know something you don't. It says it in the first post of this thread. My birthday was November 21, the same day this site was 2 1/2 years old. But, I appreciate the wishes nonetheless. I am going to close this as it is old, I don't want to create any more confusion. Thanks.
  9. You have received some good advice in this very thread. Any girl worth knowing will care more about who you are than any of that other stuff. Honestly, sincerity... all count for more than anything else. If you don't want to know those types of girls, that isn't something we want to be discussed here. Thank you.
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