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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    JKS - Shotokan
  • Location
  • Interests
    Becoming Proficient

rehodges's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Many here in this forum wanted to know if I advanced in my study by passing my examination. I am pleased to share that on 3-30-22, I passed my examination in JKS Shotokan 9 Kyu on the long road to more advanced belts.
  2. Hello and new to forum. I am soon to be 68-year male that re-started JKS Shotokan after a 47-year break. I trained both in Karate and Judo in college in my early twenties. Life got in the way stopped training. On 10/31/21 while lying in bed overweight for my 6'1 body frame at 265, middle and both sides lower back in pain, and generally out of shape, I made a decision to start training in Karate again. Best decision one could ever make. I have lost nearly 7 pounds since 10/21, I will be belt testing for 9 Kyu 2/22, and having been working out Dojo for 1-hour 5 times and going to gym in morning 5 times a week. I am so pleased with my progress that I wanted to share it here. While I still have issues and problems related to flexibility and range of motion with round house and sidekicks, I hope as I lose more weight and develop a stronger at-home stretching program this will change. I am so happy to personally at 68 first to be alive and second improve my conditioning in JKS karate. Will keep posted as if I pass my belt test this upcoming week.
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