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Everything posted by garethinian

  1. twist kick Here's one of me going for blue belt and using that kick. That was about a year ago and I've added some flexibility since then (and dropped about 15 lbs. ) The kick started from a standard fighting stance, facing the instructor.[/url]
  2. We use a similar kick we call the 'twist kick' (obviously denoting the twisting motion of the hips) but use the instep instead of the ball of the foot, though I have used the ball as well. It can be done from a standing, stepping or jumping position and can be very effective. I've found that if I step behind as if approaching with a side kick to the midsection, but at the last second change to the twist kick, I can get my instep under someones chin before they even know it
  3. I take Ji Do Kwan TKD from a 70 yr. old instructor at a local YMCA. Our system of rank is yellow, green, blue, red (3 gups) and black. I have been studying about a year and a half and have reached blue and am getting ready to test for red. We have a minimum rule of 3 month between the gup tests, so would be six month minimum for black after attaining red, but I am yet to hear of anyone doing that in under a year. We have a pretty small class and I love it that way, but there is never any pressure for promotions. When you feel ready, you approach the master and ask when you can test (date wise). If he thinks you aren't ready he'll usually tell you. All of us in the adult class are older as well, I'm the youngest at 28. Some of the guys have taken 7 yrs + to reach black, and I have the utmost respect for that. Now in the junior class which I also attend, the kids tend to move up a little faster and the GrandMaster who presides over it tends to be a little more money driven which is sad. Hate to hear about schools being run that way, but I guess it all comes down to how you feel about it. I agree that everyone should feel that they have earned their rank and be comfortable with the requirements before advancing.
  4. I usually only do 2 formal classes a week, both 2 hours though. Now that the weather is nice I also play softball 3 nights a week. Then I fill in the rest of the time with one hour workouts (usually run a mile or two, do some lifting and then stretch and practice kicks etc). I like to keep mixing things up so I never get burned out on any one thing and it always makes me look forward to the formal classes that much more. All in all, probably about 10 hours of training a week with some other mild physical activity mixed in there and have found that to be quite enjoyable. However, like so many people have said in this thread, you have to find what's comfortable for you.
  5. Hello all, I, like so many of you, just stumbled upon this site while browsing for information on martial arts. I am quite happy to find such a wealth of knowledge and gathering of fellow practioners. Currently, I'm a blue belt in Ji Do Kwan TKD, preparing for my red (brown) belt test in the summer. I study under Master Richard Malloy and Grand Master Choon Mo Yang in Columbus, Ohio. I am 28 years old and began just over 14 months ago. Anyway, I hope to share many discussions with all of you
  6. Monkeygirl, thanks, and that is the correct symbol, but I am looking for something that exactly matches that patch in the link I listed. Want it to have Ji Do Kwan and TKD on it, just that the picture of the patch looks like a patch rather than a nice graphic
  7. Hi folks! I'm brand new here and I found this board while trying to find a graphic of the Ji Do Kwan patch we use in our Dojang. So, I thought I would register after having read a few threads and liking this site. Now, can anyone help me find the graphic I'm looking for? I have an image of the patch, but would like something nice that I can use on web-sites, etc. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!!! http://shop.store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/80-04.html
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