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Everything posted by singularity6

  1. I believe in quality over quantity. I also believe that one shouldn't overextend ones self. If you're capable of learning and implementing 3 styles well, then great. If MA comes harder to you, trying to learn more than one might cause you to spread yourself thin.
  2. Our tests for first geup, first dahn and second dahn are probably the toughest for our school, with first dahn being at the pinnacle. Those who test for our black belt end up physically exhausted that day, and quite sore for at least a few days after.
  3. The Kajukembo looks similar to what we do (but more flluid... ours has a more linear/ridged Karate feel.) Is this just combat? Or are there forms involved, too?
  4. Doing things like that never gets old for me.
  5. Humans are quite the conundrum to me. We're quite territorial and destructive, yet we were never really built for physical conflict. Most people will choose flight over fight when presented with the option (even most hunters have to fight that feeling as they prepare to take an animal.) It takes a lot of training to make a human into a fighter. We also have a lot of vulnerabilities, and very few "natural" weapons.
  6. Hmmm. Pai Mei was pretty brutal in Kill Bill In all seriousness, I haven't really looked into such things. Creating "near impossible" tests seems like it'd be a great way to chase away students.
  7. Huh... Look at those!
  8. Kancho! I just turned 12 again... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanch%C5%8D
  9. I don't think such a thing exists. The best option, IMO would be what some folks wear for MMA. The next up would be some simple MA/TKD shoes. Or... invest in some privacy fences around your yards?
  10. Is it possible that within your community that you're well known as a LEO as well as a MAist; anyone in your community won't hassle you if your wore MA apparel around town. The first thing I'd notice, if I lived in your community, and I wasn't a MAist, is that you're a LEO, and I don't want to go to jail for being stupid. Second thing I'd notice is that you're a BB in TKD, and I don't want to get my head handed to be for being stupid and dumb, all at the same time. Respect goes along, long way...so does common sense!! That would also apply with Alex, tallgeese, too, if I lived in his community!! To the bold: People with this mentality are clearly not the problem.
  11. Great analogy! It could sorta be marketing, but I suspect it's more of a "testosterone poisoning" situation here. People who think their martial art is particularly "deadly" probably think these things are practical, and are only likely to get themselves hurt.
  12. We lost my brother in July 2007, and it still has a profound affect on my family. Hang in there, man.
  13. I have a couple T-shirts from our school that I might wear on occasion. Those are days I typically go to class, get a work out in at home, or that I'm hanging around the house, though.
  14. I thought I did this before: "Happy bday!"
  15. I've heard some expert martial artists say that they do very little to no stretching outside of their training. The thought behind their methods (or lack of) is that one does not need to push themselves beyond what is natural, and that their flexibility is maintained through practicing techniques (and stances!!) I don't think this doesn't mean that these folks did not stretch during the early parts of their time as students, and that no one should stretch. Personally, I do stretch, and I try to do so regularly. I do not think I'll ever be able to do the splits, nor do I think I'll ever need to.
  16. I use mink oil to condition my boots and my leather jacket one to two times per year, max. Proper mink oil should be animal-derived, though plant-based products are also acceptable. Again, I'd avoid any petroleum-based products.
  17. I think the internet has been the biggest game changer in a long time. Historically, the only way one could really immerse oneself in martial arts was either by practicing, or through limited media consumption (magazines, books and physical video like VHS or DVD.) Now we have online forums (like this one,) retail websites, social media pages and YouTube channels. It's never been easier to find advice, different perspectives, or to buy equipment.
  18. I would suspect that petroleum jelly would deteriorate the leather. Anything that makes leather "soft" is probably breaking down the structural integrity of the cells.
  19. Most people say they want to test AFTER tournaments. Good for you!
  20. Wayne State University's slogan for a while was "Aim Higher." I think your sentiment is what they had in mind. For me, I felt it was what they should have posted over every urinal, as too many men need to heed that advice.
  21. I went to class for the first time in a month (work and other things have been keeping me busy!) We started off with stretching. Then the class warm-up was practicing some basic techniques up and down the dojang. Once we were warmed up, the instructors brought out the mats, and I was repeatedly thrown for an hour. Good times! Some things I noticed from taking time off: *I use a fighting stance for my bag work at home. This made holding a stance during warm up a bit more challenging than it used to be. *I really need to improve my upper body strength.
  22. If I did the splits, I'd stay there.
  23. Welcome to the forum!
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