Hey all, So currently I have started training Kenpo as my main art and Muay Thai as a secondary art/conditioning improver. However, the school I'm out teaches a few different arts which has led me to research a few of them. Two that line up with my current schedule are their Kung Fu and Aikijutsu. While Kung Fu does interest me, from my very novice perspective, it would do much more harm than good to do that and Kenpo together - at least until I truly learned Kenpo very well. Even then there may be too many similarities that would make mistakes creep in to form and such. Aikijutsu is the other one and that one seems like it would very much work well with Kenpo. Again, I don't know much about anything, just what my eyes tell me. This is off in the distance but I have gained a pretty big interest in training the Aikijutsu alongside the Kenpo. It just seems to me that it would flow so well together. Is my thinking wrong in the big picture? Any feedback in appreciated.