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Everything posted by pinklady6000

  1. trash talk is a way of winning a fight without fighting.
  2. I don't know what martial art keanu reeves studies, but I have heard he is learning judo for the wick 2 film.
  3. there is no white crane techniques in karate. that wiki entry shoud be removed. how to do that is a mystery, as they stubbonly refuse to remove anything that has been entered.
  4. hey, singularity6 have you watched a film yet? pink
  5. mcgregor is going to win and his secret weapon is old english boxing. mayweather will be confused by this system and lose. mcgregor is training in the style of jim driscol.
  6. it takes the pressure off your throat and onto your neck. it reduces the leverage your opponent can exert.
  7. Well I hate to disagree but Bai He Quan is very much apart of Karate. It is one of the many Quan Fa that influenced the art. The main reason most do not readily see the comparisons within the Kata is because most do not have a grasp on the history of Toudi (Karate) nor the Okinawan's as a people. Karate is the first MMA if you will. The Okinawan people collected any combative method that they found useful from many countries and many arts. The indigenous art of Ti was similar in many respects to boxing. Muto or Tegumi as the Japanese call it is a grappling/wrestling art. Muay Boran or Siamese boxing influenced Ti by incorporating many of their techniques and applications. Later Chinese martial arts like White Crane (Bai He Quan), Monk Fist (Lohan Quan), Five ancestors fist and five animals fist just to name a few all contributed to the development of what we call Karate. The reason it does not appear exactly like one style or another is because it's not just that style. The Kata is a mixture or melting pot if you will of many forms of combative arts melded into one. The Okinawan people are not Chinese. They respected the Chinese but they are not Chinese. So there fore they will not fight like the Chinese just like they do not fight like the Siamese or the Japanese. Toudi (Karate) is an art unto itself. It doesn't look like White Crane because it's not White Crane. It incorporates elements of White Crane but it's not just White Crane. Just like it incorporates elements of all of the other influences. You can plainly see the elements of the different Quan Fa throughout the Kata if you do the research. hey MatsuShinshii: thank you for that. What you wrote is really interesting. You say the okinawan people are not chinese, would you say they are not japanese also, even though okinawan is a part of japan?( I might be wrong on that part) pink
  8. ryan reynolds practices mma gina carano practices mma Channing Tatum practices mma
  9. that white crane kung fu is not apart of karate and it is now linked to karate for ever, because wiki is fixed as a fact for ever they will not change it.
  10. shouldn't that be the other way round?
  11. I do not think it is fair, conner should be able to kick mayweather in the shins.
  12. here's another one: push your head up into the opponents armpit.
  13. footballers are experts at kicking, as they do this everyday.
  14. In the film fist of fury, lee has his eyes closed when he kills the japanese cook in house kitchen. lead striaght to body. he then finds second trator and kills him with eyes closed.
  15. they have both transended the world of fighting. they both make money on their name.
  16. may be he was afraid of being poked in the eye with a counter from the opponent.
  17. opening scene of enter the dragon with sammo hung, feints lead kick followed by lead striaght (eyes closed)
  18. thank you for that. Having opened this thread I now have to watch all the BL eyes closed in all the films! this is a hugh task of research. I watch enter the dragon first and take a snap shot when I find one. pink
  19. thank you, for all that info, tempest. just need to try these things out. pink
  20. Agreed 100x on your statement TJ-Jitsu.This technique (The rear naked choke) should be called "The Borg" due to resistance is futile! Ehh... that isn't quite true. Resistance is not futile. The correct method of resistance is not "Spazz, kick, and bite violently hoping that something works." There are specific solutions to the problem of being in rear mount. If you want to know them well, I would suggest studying with a grappling instructor for a bit, however a good hint is think about getting your shoulders to the ground, and remove the top hook. yes, I would like to know what defences or techniques there are for the rear choke. i try to get a hand under the arm between my neck to reduce the pressure. otherwise i have to tap-out.
  21. when watching any bruce lee film I have notice that bruce lee always has his eyes closed especially when doing hand techniques, maybe when one is at the cinema one doesn't notice but once DVDs were invented, one can go in slowmotion and freeze the action to study the technique. many times one can see lee has his eyes closed. anybody else notice this and is there an explanation?
  22. they have both transended the world of fighting.
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