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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Western boxing and Aikido
  • Location
    Northern VA
  • Occupation

BoxerScott's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Because I don't believe I am qualified to teach, I found other ways to give back. The dojo I belong to recently moved from a gymnastics center (a nightmare, believe me) to our own little building (not much, but a great improvement). The previous owners of the building had used it for an auto shop so you can imagine how run down it was (leaky roof, crap all over the concrete floor, discolored walls). Well, with the help of all the Dojo members we were able to turn it into a nice place in a couple of weeks. I painted the walls, put up Jo and Bokken racks (a pain if you do it to cinder blocks), and made a wooden floor to lift the mats off the ground. A lot of effort and time went into it, but in the end, it was worth it. Thats how I give back.
  2. Glingglo: I generalized because I can, because with my statement, generalization was fluid in proving the point. Do you think that a womans abdominal muscles are different from a mans? Well, they are not, so, in respect to my statement, the generalization was warreneted... I'm not being hyprocritical, I am simply asking that you understand what you read, not just read it and assume. I feel like all the women on this forum have something against me... I don't want any enemies, sorry for all the trouble.
  3. Karate_woman a quote from your site: You must realize here again genetics comes into play, however, this only applys to some women. You generalize women as if every one is the exact same....
  4. I have to say I am highly offended by your remark! However, I am standing by my claim that women can get 6-packs just as easily as men. Does this mean that for men its easy to get a 6 pack? Well obviously not, anyone who actually took the inititive to research and read into the topic understands what a commitment it is to train to get ripped abs. But backing that up, I ask you to go to any gym in America and actually take the time to talk to the female bodybuilders. Many, if not most, have a 6-pack, and they will tell you that they didn't have to have an eating disorder in order to get one. In fact, the are probably eating healthier than you! Of course women won't have "buldging" 6-packs, but they can get visible ones nonetheless. Here is a like to a site I suggest you visit: Fatlosstips.com - Abs Understanding is the key to achieving, its all about nutrition, not the lack of it. .................. Thats not entirely true. Women gain the nessecary "weight" (and I use that word loosely) when they are in the phases of pregnancy in order to sustain the life inside them (essentailly feed two people, themselves and the baby). After pregnancy the excess "weight" can be worked off, but generally most mothers don't have the time to commit to it (newborns take up a lot of time). Thats enough of a lecture for today...
  5. I'm a guy, I don't know many women with the name Scott...
  6. Its very possible for women to get a 6-pack, the same as a man.
  7. Okay I have a link to back me up (somewhat). However, this is a much debated topic so I encourge you to do your own research too. Morning Cardio - BodyBuilding.com Forum
  8. Okay, I just read your post real fast (will re-read it again later). Your number 5 (Cardio) info about "Cardio is best done in the morning" is very wrong. There are a number of reasons why. I will post again to back that up. But overall, good job!
  9. Alright, I'm going to give you some constructive critism. Your workout is plain bad. You say you want to bulk up? I suggest cutting down on the heavy Cardio quite a bit. Here is a good example/sample workout for your "less is more": Sample 3-Day Workout If you want to look for another one then here is a link to a Workout Database: BodyBuilding.com Workout Database And here is a link to the Body Building Forums. I suggest posting any workout questions/opinions there, the guys on that forum know their stuff and are always glad to help (especially with new people). Remember, nutrition is key also, if you want to get big, eat big! Good Luck!
  10. I was gonna stay out of this thread because the issue of supplements is generally a very shady area, however, I will comment... You must realize: Creatine is NOT an anabolic steroid. Its not an "enchancer" per se, but an aid. Creatine is actually a nutrient found naturally in our bodies, and it's made from a combination of the three amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. The main function of creatine is providing energy to your muscles for movements, especially quick and explosive movements. Your body gets its creatine from food and/or supplements. You can imagine then, that taking extra creatine monohydrate will help you out during workouts. Fact: 3 out of 4 Major Athletes (including Olympians) take Creatine. Its not a cheat nor a substitute to gaining "quick-mass", if you take Creatine, you probably workout, which means the mass you are putting on is real muscle... Here's a link to a good source, I suggest your read up before you starting taking, knowledge is power. CreatineMonohydrate.net Just my 2 cents...
  11. Man thats pretty high for only 2 classes a week Do you get the Gi free?!?
  12. Jimmy-Eat-World, I hate that guy... I would give as much pain as I get from listening to his music...
  13. $40 a month for unlimited classes each month. Aikido
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