I have come in and out of various martial arts boards, all of which as a guest until now, and I always thought the same thing when I look at them. "All these guys signed up just to ask where to start?" The question, at the time, was a silly one for me. Now, only a few years later, and I find myself signing up to this very forum just to ask where I can start again. A bit of background before we go any further. I am a young man, not even halfway through my high school days and I've been in and out of a few places of practice. Most of the reasons stem from some sort of family problem. Usually, I can't get a ride, or it's a struggle on my family or we can't afford it (The last one only happened once). I'll be able to drive soon and with that comes a lot of freedom, and I chose to use that freedom to get back into martial arts. This led me on a chase for any martial arts studios, or dojos, even random people in their homes willing to teach me. I've checked all over: Craiglist, facebook, forums, yahoo and I asked around and found a few decent places. I found only a few on my side of the town, and most of which were closed or I had visited and they seemed like they were focused more on young children. I live in the city of Lexington, which as explained by my previous martial arts school, was not a very reliable source of income for a martial art's instructor. The few options I've narrowed myself down to are as follows: 1. I could return to the first studio I truly respected, which was a traditional Chinese martial arts school. I'd have to start over, and apologize sincerely as they do not like insubordination. I had left because I heard people saying that the style they taught, Shaolin-Do was fake and either a poorly fused mix of multiple styles or just designed to look like martial arts. The school is small and tightly knit, but I was having trouble getting rides and felt very bad when I accepted others help to get there. 2. I could return to the most recent gym that I respected. This was a gym that taught MMA and also worked with body builders. They had very good credentials and the people there seemed enthusiastic about their work. They teach MMA, Boxing, BJJ, kickboxing, and self-defense, all of which you are free to go to if you purchase and continue to pay for a membership. I did feel as if I was harshly neglected and expected to understand what I was supposed to do, though I am sure I could quickly adapt. They are focused mainly on sports competition, something I am not too interested in, but it never hurts to try. 3. The third option I had was to return to a friends house and work with her and her father. Her father has been practicing and teaching martial arts since he was a very young adult, in MMA, kickboxing, Boxing, and BJJ. Working with him guarantees hands-on training, a very evenly trained sparring partner, and a nice environment. This is also the farthest away from me, and recently he has had knee surgery which may stop him from being able to show me kicks. The said sparring partner is unsure about me sparring them as well. This leaves me really just learning muscle memory. 4. keep looking: I could always keep trying to find a place better suited to me. I understand that there is no perfect martial arts dojo suited just for me and perhaps I do just need to settle down and train under one of these places for good, or I could continue to search for better places to practice. For now, I'm just on a workout regimen that barely keeps my body fit. I'm not able to spar or practice with anyone and my muscle memory and body is slowly deteriorating. If you have any suggestions or advice, I would gladly take it. Just the notion that people want to help will be able to give me some sort of boost to try.