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Everything posted by Lowkickr

  1. You're very welcome, anytime.
  2. Since the 1980's I have co-owned two schools. The first didn't survive because of location. I was required to maintain insurance and could not handle the cost. The second school failed because I could not keep enough students. Looking back on the latter, I saw that I shared in some of the blame because I wouldn't bend from my teaching approach. In my experience, students wished to progress at a fast rate, even if the growth wasn't actually there. I suspect that's why some schools cover the spectrum of belt colors. Still others were looking for things I wasnt willing to offer like a substitute for daycare, or fitness center. Needless to say I never got rich! The chain schools seem to be the ones most geared to money before substance, beyond that I suppose the responsibility falls to the student to see that they are getting what they want from the instructors. I agree that there are many things we can do to train ourselves daily. Such as awareness drills, or some fitness or kata work. Beyond that though, depending on your level of training, you still need the guidance of a qualified experienced instructor. Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect, and that requires guidance and wisdom from someone further down the path. I suppose in the end all you can do is try an instructor out and see if it's a good fit for your specific needs. Regardless of whether or not they are "in it for the money."
  3. Many thanks to everyone.
  4. Based only on my experiences, mechanical inclination, adaptability, and spontaneity are not gender specific.
  5. Thank you sir.
  6. I try to train some everyday, but I'm not currently in any school. I mainly work on transitions, trying to apply technique from various circumstances. For example, having a Kyokushin background, and a Judo background as well I try to see the entries to throws presented while in a Kyokushin fight range. That sort of thing.
  7. Sometimes based on circumstances you can only use the tools that are available. I'm fairly sure that sometimes the wrong tool still gets the job done the right way. Ideally, one would want to put the best tool to task, but sometimes the job has to be done in less than ideal conditions. Assuming tools is a metaphor for techniques or skills then perhaps a good plan would be to fill your toolbox with as many tools as you can, while still relying on those few tried and true tools we are very familiar with.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm just a regular guy, 50 years old, practicing some form of Martial Art since I was 7. Also a veteran of the Armed Forces. I'm fairly introverted, so the forum concept seems right up my alley . I have strong opinions on the state of Martial Arts today, and the realities of violence. I look forward to building friendships, and sharing/gaining new perspectives. I guess that's it!
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