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Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I can't believe none of you guys have mentioned Shenmue. Get it for Dreamcast.
  2. Wouldn't it be good just to fill up on salad with low calorie/low fat dressing when you're hungry? Then take one of them good daily multivitamins. And if you're excercising (which is absoloutely recommended), eat one or two cans of tuna day. I mean that way you get your nutrition, you don't starve(so you're metabolism doesn't decrease), and your calorie/carb intake will be so low, your body will naturally eat away your fat for calories/energy so you're body can sustain the excercises and such. Boy, I'm a genious. Jk, I'm sure there's a lot of problems with my idea. Anyway, it takes major will and dedication to lose fat. Just make sure you don't starve yourself, and make sure you do major cardio (running, jump rope, swimming). So don't give up, cause if you don't, you'll stay fat. Here's the options: 1. Give up = stay fat. (requires fat) 2. Don't give up = turn skinny. (requires will and dedication).
  3. I've been thinking about getting these "gravity boots"(more like an ankle wrap thing) that enables you to hang upside down by hooking onto most average pull-up bars. This way, I would be able to perform sit-ups from a completely inverted angle. Here is a link of the image: http://www.bodyactive-superstore.co.uk/acatalog/delux%20gravity%20boots.jpg . Well, this product's intention isn't for sit-ups, it's some therapy suggested product to relieve back pain, which isn't my problem really. The question I have to ask is that I've heard from somewhere, that doing inverted sit-ups in this manner (with your knees locked straight) is bad for a certain reason (I completely forgot the reason why). Does anyone know whether if this is true or false? And if it is bad, why is that?
  4. I'm 15 and 5'4" I'd be happy if I reach 5'10" And I'd be super happy if 6'0" - 6'2". However my mom's height is 4'11"(I know, I blame her Japanese ancestors) and my dad's height is 5'9". BOOHOO I WANNA GROWW!!!
  5. Will my arm recieve less shock when wearing gloves?
  6. If this is true, then ofcourse I will choose jump roping over swimming. But I can't find anything over the internet relating to your particular comment
  7. I am interested in purchasing one of these weighted vests(http://www.weightvest.com/index.html) however, I'm afraid it may stunt my growth. I'm merely 15 and only 5'4, so this is a big concern for me whether or not if I should practice with one. I can only guess that it can have a substantial effect of stunting one's growth, but I wasn't able to find any solid statements relating to this on the internet...soo I'd like to ask you guys. Thanks.
  8. I believe the only way to gain strength without gaining mass is simply sharpening technique.
  9. Because I have an easy access to a pool, I always practiced swimming for a cardiovascular workout instead of anything else. However I'm contemplating on whichever is a more beneficial fat burning or cardiovascular workout, the jump rope or to swim? I can't jump rope consecutively like a pro yet...but if I were to learn will I burn more calories than swimming? Jump roping seems faster, traditional and not to mention cool-looking if I were to master it But I'm more interested in for the beneficial workout than anything else. So if I were to jump rope for an hour, or swim for an hour, which is more effective to burn calories or fat/cardiovascular workout? If you have any more effective suggestions (ex. running), please state so!
  10. http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Cliff/4212/ I just recently discovered that there is a fighting tournament that I've never heard existed. It is called UFT (Ultimate Fighting Tournament), and held in Uruguay. Well, what makes this particular tournament different from the rest is that there are no rules, none at all. Eye gouging, groin strikes and bitting are all permitted. And I learned the champion gets paid 750 pesos per fight. Pretty sick huh? Just wanted to hear other peoples comments.
  11. I have generally hard abs...but my solar plexus is weak, if a 5 year old were to hit me there I'd hit the ground and cry . Are there any exercises that will isolate the solar-plexus, so I can build and strengthen it??
  12. Science Physics states that more force and impulse is exerted when there is a short amount of contact time because of the sudden change in momentum. And if the force giving object is bounced, the force will be much greater. I wonder if the law transends to punching and kicking? Because I have been taught punching/kicking through the opponent/object is always the best method. However aiming to go through the object would increase the contact time, meaning less sudden change of momentum, resulting in a weaker impulse, resulting in a weaker hit because I haven't been doing the "bounce" method. I remember too, instinctively I would hit things in a bounce motion, instead of going through(for example when punching something I intended to have my knuckle aim about an inch in, rather than to aim behind the thing). But from hearing to "go through" so much, I forced myself to do so. So, bounce or go through?
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