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Focused Mind

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  • Martial Art(s)

Focused Mind's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thank you ninjanurse.
  2. Thank you everyone! What a great feeling it was to walk out of the Dojo with another Dan grade - boy do I love Karate!
  3. Thank you all for the messages, it has been a warm welcome. I must add that the members here are full of knowledge! Patrick this is a great forum that you have; what a find! I look forward to seeing you all around the forum too.
  4. Falling is very important and is a universal skill. Knowing how to fall is useful when training but also a great aid in any ordinary circumstance. Take motorcycle racers for example; I understand many of them don't do martial arts but they have been taught how to fall off the motorcycle at over 100MPH! Most of the times they hardly sustain any injuries - this just shows you how useful this information is.
  5. Thank you Nidan Melbourne; I always enjoy my training but Thursday is my first official training session as a 3rd Dan. I'm so looking forward to it!
  6. Thank you both for the welcome. This is providing to me a knowledgeable forum!
  7. I think this shows a corrupt system; giving rank for joining another organisation. I'm glad your friend rejected this attempt - this is poor for the Sensei to do. I like to think that I have worked very hard for my grades. I have never been offered a higher rank than what I graded for. If I was, I'd decline.
  8. A big congratulations. 10 years membership...that's impressive!
  9. Yesterday I passed my 3rd Dan in WadoKai Karate. All of that hard training has paid off - but this is old news now...I have my eye on 4th Dan. It's fair to say that it feels like I have been punched and kicked by a gang. Time for some more, harder training...
  10. If you own a smartphone there are apps on the App Store and Play Store which offer guided meditation for as little as £3.00. If you're thinking of meditation, I would give these a shot.
  11. I am a Karate practitioner and I am also an avid gamer. I love action games that keep you on the edge of your seat; I also like Psychological Thrillers (to keep the mind sharp). I watch a lot of YouTube videos but I do not upload videos; to be honest I wouldn't know how.
  12. I think you are right. I am a Director of a family business and I would have responded in a similar manner. People have no respect and unfortunately these people will them label you as ignorant; they will forget to mention that they was demeaning to begin with. I would mark the e-mail address as spam now - you have replied and should stop any further communication with that person. Don't let it get you down P.A.L, some people have nothing better to do.
  13. 2nd Kyu is an early grade to start a Karate club; the main reason I say this is the fact that beginners like to see high rank. If there are clubs in your local area with Dan grades, they may seem more favorable. If I was a beginner and your club was established, I would choose a club with the Sensei a black belt - its what I would expect to see from an instructor. If you have your mind set on this venture, I do wish you the best of luck!
  14. I agree with other members here; students are indeed students and should not teach. I understand a student helping if the Sensei is working specifically on a technique but to teach? I don't think this should happen; the Sensei should know this.
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