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Everything posted by vlearns12

  1. Hi everyone! I've been doing Shotokan karate for a while, but I never seemed to be able to get the hang of doing forward rolls for some reason. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of mental block, especially when it comes to kicking my feet over, since my body just kind of..stops. Does anyone have any advice?
  2. I didn't get to do a whole lot of sparring when I started out, but we do sometimes do sparring drills (which I'm fine with). I think I just have trouble reacting to attacks (and attacking myself), so if anyone has suggestions about that, I'd be very grateful
  3. My guess is that they're talking about this? https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/the-30-minute-squat-challenge/
  4. I have been practicing (Shotokan) karate for quite a while now, and my technique is quite solid (according to my instructor). However, I am just not able to spar. When someone comes in with an attack, I more or less freeze up, and fumble to block (and often cannot). My movements are jerky and tentative at best. I'm wondering if this is a mental block, because I can do the individual techniques, but when it comes to putting them together and sparring someone, I just cannot. Any ideas on how to get over this/how to get better at sparring? Thanks
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