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Everything posted by Nick117

  1. Thanks. Edit: Any brand you recommend?
  2. I wanna put something in my basement to practice punches and kicks. Which would be better? Muay Thai bag or Regular Heavy Bag? Thanks.
  3. I don't like rap. "Gangster rap" specifically. I really wouldn't care if it vanished off the planet. It's just another one of those things that tears people apart (ex. east vs west coast which you mentioned). Music-wise, I don't care for it either. To each his/her own I suppose. P.S. Although, "Gangster rap" does one good thing. Provides laughter. What do I mean you say? Ever see a Suburban "thug?"
  4. Thanks. What about length? 12" or 14"? Lemme make sure I got this right. Regular Octagon Ball Bearing (12" or 14"?) Sound good to start with?
  5. Thanks everyone. I checked the yellow pages and found 2 places but they're too far for my father to drive to I think (he has problems w/ his feet [and he's the only person who can drive in my house, I will be able to in like 7 months though, yay!] so he can't drive long distances and it isn't really worth it to cause possible problems ex. pain for him.) So, ordering online is my only option. I order tons of stuff online, never had a problem. Just gotta make sure I find a good store. battousai16 - Is there a particular pair you recommend from that store? (Like, what would you choose?)
  6. Thanks. I don't know any places that sell them around where I live. Anyone know a website I could search to find if there's a store that sells them near me? I'm not really concerned w/ tradition. Whatever works best. Thanks again.
  7. Although I wont be taking any proper "Nunchaku Training," I have always liked nunchaku. So I have a few questions before I purchase a pair... (Answers these based on what would be better for a newbie please.) 1.) "Regular" or "Speedchucks?" 2.) Octagon or Round? 3.) Ball bearing (chain) or cord? 4.) Recommend a decent pair of Nunchaku that I can purchase online. Thanks in advance. Oh, btw, CloudDragon aka Mr. Spammer, don't bother answering if you're only going to say "dunno" or "nope" or anything else as annoying and useless as that is. Thanks. P.S. No foam stuff please. I don't care if I get hit in the head or anything, LOL. Edit: I forgot to mention these must be able to hurt someone when I whack people with them. No, I'm not going to go around whacking people. LOL, I'd just like to be able to use them for self-defense assuming I become proficient with them.
  8. Ditto! "It is interesting that some of the masters originally started training because of physical frailty or poor health." Two of the reasons I am training. Don't get me wrong, I kick * but, I am 15 years old and people that have seen me shirt-less have called me "old man" because I stopped eating almost everything besides liquids for 2 years or so.
  9. My brother's pretty weak. I mean, he's really short, skinny, and um... weak. My dad wants him to take up a MA to learn how to defend himself. I can literally knock him down with my pinky. Anyway, what would be best for him? We have (in our area) judo, aikido, tang soo do, tae kwon do, hapkido, taiji, some kung fu schools (not sure what styles, I'm gonna find out soon, one's called "Northern Shaolin Wushu Academy", any idea what they teach? Wushu, as far as I know is a generic term for Chinese MAs, I was thinking maybe the "Northern Shaolin" part would help you guys figure out what style(s) it is. Either way I'm gonna call.) Thanks. P.S. He's only like 5 years younger than me (I'm almost 16.) He's 11 so it's not like I knocking a 5 year old down lol. (When I said I could knock him down with my pinky finger lol.)
  10. What about a Hapkido Dojang where Tang Soo Do is being taught?
  11. Sure I'll PM you the info. hehe thanks again karatekid1975. Edit: The site has been updated, it's 10-11:30. Waiting to hear back from you karatekid1975.
  12. This is 1 hour a week, 4 hours a month. paolung- A combo of both I would assume. Good question, I will ask. Also, another thing that worries* me is this is a regular AND weapon class combined. So.. hopefully it's an error and it's 10-11:30. I'm going to call tomorrow. Thanks! Edit: *Worries me because regular and weapons classes are 1 hour each, so cutting it down to 30 minutes wouldn't make sense IMO.
  13. I have good news.. for me at least, LOL! I may be able to take Aikido after all. However, I have one concern. The only class I can make is 2x a week for a half-hour only! Is 4 hours a month good enough? I was thinking at least 8. I may go with Hapkido if you also feel 4 hours isn't enough time to learn and stuff. Hapkido is like Aikido but I was hoping to get a head start in my training. (Because when I'm old enough to drive and live by myself I will definitely train in Aikido 24/7... kinda hehe.) There's more to the story, kind-of hard to explain so basically just answer if you can, "is 4 hours per month enough?" EDIT: Breaking news! After re-reading the Aikido Dojo's web site I have found out on the front page it says "10-10:30" but on their schedule it says "10-11:30." I guess I will call! hehe
  14. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this. My apologies if it is in the wrong place. I have limited martial arts experience but I feel competition is a very important part of MA training (especially mixed, or cross-training). The art I may take up (I'm limited to what's within 5 miles from me, because I'm 15 almost 16 and can't drive, which brings up another question.) an effective art (IMO) but it offers little to no competition. So, I am wondering if there's such a thing as "Open Martial Art Tournaments" where people from (*basically) any style can participate and if so, is there a web site I could visit and read more info on it? Also, again I'm 16 years old, would I be able to enter such competitions? With parents permission on paper/attendance? Thanks! *Not including moves/arts that are VERY dangerous of course, LOL.
  15. Please use PM's if you want to talk about pancakes. Thanks. P.S. I am going to watch a class and stuff, I just want to get some opinions beforehand.
  16. I'm 15. Goals: strength, flexibility, discipline, coordination etc. I want a combo of both competition/tradition. If that is not possible, traditional is fine. (As long as it's effective in self-defense, and what I listed under my goals.)
  17. These are the martial arts available in my area that sparked my interest. I'm looking for general opinions on the following martial arts, and opinions on their effectiveness and how practical they are. I would also like to know if YOU had to pick one of these to train in, which one it'd be and why. 1.) Shotokan Karate 2.) Tang Soo Do 3.) Hapkido Thanks in advance!
  18. I *may* not be able to practice Aikido because my father said the school is too far. However, I think something is better than nothing so I looked for other arts in my area and found a "Karate" school close to me but they don't have a web site. So, I'm going to call them and ask a few questions. Their name is "Japan Karate Assoc Of NJ." So of course, my first question is going to be "What style(s) of Karate are taught?" What else should I ask? I don't know much about Karate. I would prefer a more traditional school so would "Are you a traditional or modern karate school?" be proper to ask or will the style clue me in? Thanks. P.S. If anyone knows any good schools in New Jersey (Hamilton area, any style) they would like to recommend to me or direct me to a web site, I'd be very grateful.
  19. IMO, when he slapped you, he crossed a big line. If you think you can beat him, teach him a lesson. I know I would. Good luck. Edit: And about the kids that mock you: until they actually hurt you physically there's probably not much you can do. When/If you show it does work (by teaching the guy that slapped you a lesson) they should shut up...
  20. I am soooo worried! I think I'm going to cry...
  21. Is there any particular art you want to train in? Anyway, you can do a search here.
  22. I'm having a hard time choosing between Aikido and TSK. I have a few questions about both. Maybe some people who study either art can help me. Basically for Aikido, I want to know if it is just a nice "dance" or actually a good art for self-defense. I realize Aikido isn't about fighting, it's more about conflict resolution, correct? That is fine, but one of the major reasons I want to study a MA is for self-defense. Now for TSK: Is it really a "McDojo" like some people say? I called TSK awhile back and I never got a response which put me off a bit, but I'm still interested. Does anyone know how much they charge? Money is an issue for me. I can afford what the Aikido schools charge around my area but I have no idea what TSK charges. So if anyone could just tell me what they pay or would pay for a single person I would very much appreciate it. Also, do they make you sign any contracts? Like so you have to pay for six months? I think that's all I need to know for now. Thanks!
  23. I have really week wrists. After a few punches my wrists hurt very bad. Is there any way I can make them stronger? Thanks.
  24. Uh.. yeah, duh. Twice actually and my e-mail address. Doesn't matter though. After reading all that (negative) stuff about them it looks like it was better (for me) they didn't respond. It seems kind of rude and unprofessional.
  25. I don't take TSK but I do have a comment. Well, actually a question. Why don't they return phone calls?
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