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Everything posted by BlackRose

  1. gonna go to korea. I think i'll try it there and if i like i'll do it here too. gonna look for a type of jujitsu. i heard schools in korea are very different. they don't give you your own pace, they force you to work. the test are very very competitive. MA is a big thing there like sports are around my area
  2. I think i will do with aikijujutsu (turns out there was only one not two) thank you for your help! Thanks to -TJS -karatekid1975 -radok -dark_adjudication -TheSod_88 -MantisWarrior -delta1 -Kyle-san (ack..almost wrote Kenshin..hehe) -BKJ1216 -SaiFightsMS -fungku -rb
  3. you weren't kidding when you said long but that was worth it. my head feels numb.
  4. i found ten schools i want to look into but my mom refuses to go to ten different schools and let me watch/try a class from each how do i eliminate classes? i have 4 aikido, 2 aikijujutsu, 1 shaolin, and 5 kenpo/kempo. Is there a way to learn traditional Jujutsu at home because there are no schools around me that teach that style and that is the style i really want to learn?
  5. i read somewhere you can wrap a tree with padding and that will act as a punching bag, never tried it though
  6. i have a wooden stick and a metal rod (disquised as a music stand) many sharp pointy pencils, compasses, etc. littering my room i'm hoping to get a real weapon but my mom would kill me, hehe. this is off topic but, is it legal to carry things like a sharp sword around?
  7. i was looking up schools and i found aikijujutsu. is that a mix of aikido and jujustu?
  8. you really confuse me TheSod_88. on my thread you said aikido is horrible
  9. i just started and i'm 14 but my brother started at 8 and my other brother started this year at 4 i wish i started that young
  10. i found this site useful https://www.martialinfo.com you can enter zip code and mile radius
  11. How exactly do i tell a good school from a bad one? also how do you tell a good instructor from a bad can anyone name some specific or general things that i should look for or ask? thankes
  12. i am deciding jujutsu or shoalin. i like jujutsu better but like shoalin as well. do you think i can do both or is it to early? if i can, do these two styles go together ok. i kinda want them to fill in for the other. also what should i look for and what should i ask when looking for a school.
  13. not that i know too much but i'm looking for a style as well and am considering Shaolin. If you want help you havta tall peole why you what the style. what you want to achieve. why you want to take Martial arts. then maybe list some styles you are interesdted in and choose accordingly. oh also you need to see what is avalible around you
  14. if aikido is from Jujitsu, what are the differences. what you you think is better to take and why?
  15. i don't know what is better but i would say to choose the one you are more comfortable with. if you choose the strait one, guard your head with your arms. i have been taught to bend and it helps with my balence but that might just be me
  16. can anybody explain differences between NinJutsu and JuJutsu. i see them used alot on the forum and was wondering if they have anything in common. thanks
  17. i have also heard a lot of good things about kenpo and am considering it myself. here is a thread about kempo that karatekid1975 gave me. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=5438&highlight=kempo to thesod_88: how can you recomend something when you dont know what it is. you seem to have a bad attitude towards many styles. no style is horrible, they just have their differences. maybe for your goals it is not the best style but for others it may be what they are looking for. i'm sorry if it sound like i have someting against you but i just think you should not post comments like that, on my thread or anyone else's. just keep it to yourself next time, thank you. please do not take this offensively or as hate mail.
  18. i've got my list down to four. -aikido -jujutsu -kempo -shaolin can anyone tell me how long each style must be studied to be "effective" i dont care weather you tell me in years or relative to each other MantisWarrior-what exactly do you mean by hard and soft.
  19. I live in a small town that no one knows of. We have two MA sckools: one is karate and the other didn't specify its style. I am willing to travel though. in a radius of 10 m. i found 82 schools. i will list the styles only -tae kwon do -Karate -taiji -kung fu ¤-Shaolin -kempo ¤-aikido ¤-judo -kenji ¤-jujutsu ¤-tai chi -Martial arts (didn't specify style) ¤-on the list i thought was interesting i still need recomendations and reason. What exactly is Kempo, i've heard of it alot.
  20. Well, I really don't know my motivation. I just have an urge to learn MA. I enjoy fighting and like to be in shape but I dont think that is my main reason. I've been intrested since I was little and now its just like something it telling me, might as well start now. I'm interested in weaponry and speed but think it might be better to learn just hand-to-hand first. I dont really have a goal because as I said, I don't know much. I think i would like to learn a style that would fair well against all styles but that dosn't exist so maybe a couple styles that fill in where the others are lacking
  21. I forgot to ask, What is the difference between traditional and non-traditional?
  22. I am 14 and dont have much MA backround. Just half a year of basic karate when I was 8 and last year got three month TKD in Korea. I've been tring to reasearch but the different styles are confusing me. The ones that I think I would be interested in are -Judo -kendo -aikido -shaolin -taichi -jujutsu -ninjutsu I really dont know to much about MA so can you give me a recomendation and why you recomended that one. THANKIES.
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