Well, the situation is a bit different... I come from another country which (unfortunately) doesn't exist anymore. We don't even speak the same language. Well, in that country I had my BB (when I was 14-15 years of age). And, my last practice session (or tournament, whatever it was...) was 25 years ago. This all I told (of course) to the Sensei. I even suggested that I'm willing to start it all over again (I already ordered a custom-made White belt). He said "Noooo, that would take too long time to come back where you were." And yes, he added - "Don't rush. Take it easy. You'll need some time." So, here I am. Honestly, I don't think I'll be under a huge microscope (as I forgot many things; katas mainly; I believe I'm OK with stances and other), but MOST OF ALL spirit is still there! I'd say, stronger than ever! 'Cause, it's now that I understand what exactly Karate is all about...