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Everything posted by TheSod_88

  1. Karate sucks, go to the gym!
  2. 4 all U boxing fans out there. what do U all think of upcoming fights, rumored fights, recent fights, etc. I personally think either Chris Byrd or Iron Mike should have a bout with newcomer Jones Jr.. Also, whats in the future for the ukranian giants. Opinions please. Plus, make sure to make a vote.
  3. LOL! u guys r joking right? hahaha... just cause a boxer isn't "TRAINED" in his guy to do certain things, that doesn't mean that he can't or won't do them in a streetfight! cmmon, think! thanx.
  4. I like ringside, titleboxing, and everlast.
  5. between jkd and tkd? answer: jkd. But i truly suggest neither!
  6. jj/Muy Thai/Wrestling-w/o a doubt! duh!
  7. I would have to say that combo would be just about the worst possible. instead u should add BJJ to the boxing. Then u would be set.
  8. I personally don't like forms. Thats probably why I favor Boxing, Muy Thai, etc. lol!
  9. U say he's wants to focus on punching. Then, If there's a boxing gym in ur area I would suggest that. Then add a kicking art to it a little later. thats what I would do anyways.
  10. Does anyone know what size gloves the ufc uses, 1/2 fingers or 3/4 fingers?
  11. Hi, I just orderered "ultimate grappling gloves" from a magazine. They offered two different kinds. they have a"1/2 fingers" and a "3/4 fingers" glove. I chose the "1/2 fingers" glove. Was this a good choice? I know most of u will say its simply the users opinion, but I was just curious to as what kind u all personally would get. Incase ur not familiar w/ Ultimate grappling gloves, I will give u the specs: -the utimate gloves for no-holds barred combat, grappling, self defence, and martial arts. -exposed finger design is ideal for holds, gripping, and grappling. -all leather make for long lasting wear -padding on knuckles and back of hand for help in protection. -hook-and-loop wrap around waist closure for wrist support and secure fit. Basically there UFC gloves. I looked at the gladiators in the UFC and some had 1/2 while others had 3/4. What would u prefer?
  12. That last reply is very incorect. I've read his bio, etc. He even admits in his books that adding MA's to his method is GOOD! Pull ur head out of ur ass, then speak. thanx
  13. It should take u several months before u start competing. Ive been in it for about two months and I still do not feel ready yet. Neither does my trainer. U generally shouldn't start untill both u and ur trainer feel it is time. this usually takes awhile. my suggestion to u would be to just remain patient.
  14. I would be very interested as well. Actually I was on the internet today looking "streetfighting" books up on the web and I came across two ned beaumont books. I then, earlier today, went to my local library to look them up and they werent there. I was pretty upset! Anyways though, I ended up w/ "a savage business" and "falling hard". Both about boxing. one being about mike tyson and the other about the authors experiance w/ boxing.
  15. Hmm....If I were u I would try to go to the boxing class once more per week. 2 hours is a good length each time though, very tireing!
  16. The only person making any sence here is craknek. I agree w/ u man! keep it up.
  17. I agree perfectly w/ u and craknek! Nobody else seems to know what they're talking about and it pisses me off!
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