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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kenpo
  • Interests
    Music, Karate
  • Occupation

Sparky's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hi, Does anyone know where I can purchase manji or nunti sai? How about some videos demonstrating katas with these? Thanks, Rachael
  2. How do you prevent the bo from slipping out of your hand during a weapon's kata? This keeps happening to me at tournaments. Thanks. Rachael
  3. Sparky

    Kwanku sho

    Awesome, gheinisch. Looks like there are some small differences than the one I am learning, but this is close enough. If anybody has some tips on learning this kata, feel free to share. Thank you. Rachael
  4. Sparky

    Kwanku sho

    Does anyone know where I could find the moves for this kata? I am working on the kata currently, but it would be nice to have it written down somewhere. Rachael
  5. Hi Yoshie Try standing in a normal everyday stance. Chamber one leg as high as you can and hold. Then extend kick and move extended leg around finally bringing it back to chamber and down. Try moving an extended front kick across your body. Try multiple types of kicks. Do all this w/o holding onto anything. Rachael
  6. Anyone ever heard of the dragon stance? How does your style perform it, and what are the applications? Rachael
  7. By regularly, I mean like once a month take a day you normally go to karate and doing something else. Something else can be as simple as staying home and relaxing or doing something that you just have a hard time doing with your schedule. I train outside of karate as well, and I have a tendency to take two days a week off from that. Not sure how beneficial that is, but I don't want to burn out either. My doctor wanted me to take a six week break from karate about two months after I fractured my rib. It apparently had went from a hairline to a displaced fracture. Rachael
  8. Do any of you regularly take breaks from your training. If so, for how long and how often? Do you feel that it helps or hinders your progress? Rachael
  9. Sparky because I am an electrical engineer. I also used the name on my softball T-shirt. Don't let the smoke out. Rachael Edit: Just realized that my sig still says Brown belt. I just passed my Red belt test Monday.
  10. Are there any local tournaments that you could enter? This would give you practice as well as an idea of how a tournament operates. Rachael
  11. With a graphite bo, you need to powder your hands first which works really well with a black gi. Some traditionalists would think they are too modern Sai? Rachael
  12. Any opinions on a graphite bo vs. other materials? Rachael
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