I have to admit that something about the term "Master" has always irked me. I have no problem showing genuine respect nor am I against formal courtesy, but there is something about the "Master" thing that I've just never been able to reconcile. I have used the terms Sa Bum and Sa Bum Nim, Sensei, Guro, Guru, and Sifu and never felt squeamish, but "Master" tends to lock me down in a way that is difficult to articulate. You have been around people at some point that either didn't like you, or looked down on you and you knew it by feel. You would find it difficult to tell someone else why you knew, but there is no way you can deny to yourself that your perceptions are valid. I'm chiming in, not because I think I'm right and that the use of "Master" should be deleted, but to try and clarify to myself what it is specifically that makes me choke on the use of the term. I've done some serious training in my life, with some seriously good and intense martial artists and then seen people that I don't feel have done what I have, or achieved what I have achieved being called Master just because someone somewhere gave them another certificate. There is a difference between calling someone Mr. or Mr. Adams. Mister Adams is appropriate and respectful, but just the use of the word Mister without the name feels inappropriate. 'Yes, Mister' or 'Yes, Mr. Adams'. 'Yes, Master', or 'Yes, Master Adams'. To me, there is a world of difference in this distinction.