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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kajukenbo, ChoyLeeFutGungFu, Capoeira
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Kaju_influenced's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Ive done JDK its very fun, if looking for a school try to follow the inosanto registered institutes. I ve trained with sifu inosanto, he is very good!!
  2. by running away!!!!! Well in any case avoid distance and try to bridge the gap between u and the opponent...other than that its up to you.
  3. kali refered by grand tuhon leo gaje that kali also derived its name from the hindu god of destruction kalis. The art is not a means of self defence but to actually kill someone as quick as possible. In the petiki tersia system this is also true meaning to cut someone up in pieces at close range. So it depends on ur persoanl needs and goals for a MA. But i say go for it!!!! its really fun i enjoy it very much.
  4. I agree with champ aikido is very defensive usually not intended to hurt opponent but to redirect his energy
  5. LOL Style and method are same thing, I think u mean it is a concept... Words are so confusing sumtimes LOL!
  6. Very true friend however my interpretation of chi and what i was taught down from the yang blood line is that chi is universal energy, no i don't kno why i was told to shut up......an admin should take measures against that, karateforum is for open minded ppl...ne ways like i was saying is everybody is pretty much right on the subject its just we have secluded ourselfs from the totality of what chi is.....its universal its everywhere, its not just breath its not just oxygen of molecules its pertty much everything, now speaking in a metaphysical sense its like magical or in a scientific sense its bioelectric impulses so you see no matter the point of view it comes down to same thing chi/ki is all around us....wether its ur breath or the water u swin in that is what chi is...... in essence we must all find out what chi is on our own.....good luck
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! An excellent approach thnx 4 the reply!!!!!!
  8. I agree with epachin martial does essentially mean military, ma's was formed unfortunately on the strict basis of violence, like you said in recent yrs the health benefits have been more forthcomming. WHen i practice a form from the yang style under yang zhen duo( not directly my friend teaches me lol) the movements are those of a fighting orientation. And in the regards of chi yes scientifically it is bioelectric pulses or signals however over the yrs that modern medicine has been studying what the chinese call chi, they have found some mysterious things. Yes science is a large part of our evolution but what happened to our minds? Is numbers and raw facts the basis of everything these days..... Scientifically explain to me a man that can fry a fish on fire with his bare hands....come to note the show it was broadcast on was a show to scientifically prove or disprove the real effects of chi. Now i too am not a big big beleiver in the metaphysical world but i know its there and with that knowlege im sure we can harness its power but for now i kno we are not ready for the human kind is too selfish for power( know imagine a world with men no longer having to ability to destroy buoldings of towns but with the ability to destroy nations and far worse worlds....IMO
  9. Master Yang Zhen Duo original blood member of the yang family said that chi is the universal energy, the air you breath that fills our lungs is chi, now many stylists have diff interprtstion of it say example in kijitsu ki is interpreted as combat energy more like a ki sheild persay. While practicing qigong you learn to elevate your chi by breathi8ng techniques moving and stationary meditation like taichi. Know ethere you can beleive in chi or not that is all all though there are diff level of chi, in highest level ur chi becomes shen/spirit. If ever practicing to increse chi my sifu told us one thing dont't practice tai chi for the result of chi just practice and it will come."Dont work for the fruit of the action..." Good luck all
  10. Acutually jerry if i read right breathing is the foundation of chi cultivation, in my qigong class that is the first step we must learn is breathing. Chi comes from our center of all energies most important our sexual energy which comes from the tan tien/ stomach, once higher levels have progressed ur chi transform to shen/spirit. Since i have not achievced such feats i cannot give proper advice to anyone however this is what i have understood from my sifu
  11. First of all u must dipict what the mean of effective is do u mean fighting or philosophy wise/cultivation of self. As we all know the basis on which MA's was created was violence ;unfortunately-martial meaning military ect.... second tradition is good but whta if u see ur MA instructor as a person of great "knowing" and he tells u, that lets say karate is the only good MA, much traditional teachers try to do this wit their students this is the first negative side to pure TMA's second is if u think that karate is the best MA then u have binded urself to the style and will never grow to ur highest potential. Take JDK for instance bruce and sifu dan will always say JDK is a concept of fighting not a style meaning something u can conform ur own ideas and styles to not something that conforms u to it I beleive the mixture of as many styles as u can taste without binding urself to any and completly being u will make u the best MA's u can be. Forget "this" and "that" and just "be". Very well said and remember follow ur heart and open ur eyes and you too will see clearly!
  12. Like i said the main diff is circular and direct move ments gung fu has intriquet foot movement while karate is more straight and direct. Nether is no worst or beter it depends on the persons style if circular works beter i go 4 gung fu or direct straight to the point i go a karate oriented style in my dicipline we utilize botth aspects we have soft evaisive circular movements to break the defence and bombard the opponent with direct attacks.....,so u see that is the diff and sims IMO!
  13. We can all fight just to differnet degrees, for instance anyone can punch and kick but also a degree of skill and practice towards these feats can improve ones fighting ability!
  14. Well one main diff i find is movement karate seems to be more direct in there blocking and attacking however in gung fu the blocking and attacking is more circular and somewhat more fluide.
  15. Hey guys thnx 4 the replies: This is very ignorant when in a real life situation yes unfortunatly some will fight 8 on 1 however the meaning of a streetfighter is as follows: he will pick fights for or not for the fun of it, he moves like a cat and knows how to take and give a hit, he is experienced in the street and knows how to use his surroundings. My style is based on some of these concepts because more the most part this is the reality of a fight a streetfight not competition(very big diff there atre no rules). This is another good factor the element of surprise it my seem cheap to a "noble fighter" however if it means ur survival that is what is only important!!!! There is no honour to those whom just wanna win!
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