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Everything posted by hiya

  1. I have been lurking for several months now, decided to join. Just saying hi. I have a first Dan in ITF TKD. I took Muay thai for nearly a year before I decided I didnt like the club I was at. I intend to give it another shot somewhere else. A peice of advice: never EVER sign a contract! If they know they are going to get paid no matter what..... Anyway. Ill see you all around. Maybe I will post a pic or something.
  2. The definitions could be improved, they are incomplete and I would not recommend testing with them. In the patterns themselves I saw no refference to stepping or on-the-spot movements; I saw no indication of continous, connecting or fast motions. Some steps between moves are feet to feet or half step, but it didnt tell you that either. I really dont see any value in this reference. You cant learn from it, you cant study from it. Sorry to sound negative, JMHO.
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