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Wado Ryu Karate Student

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado Ryu Karate
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Wado Ryu Karate Student's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I have to learn Round house now 'cos I need to know it for my next grading. My Sensei could ask me to do Round house in a class at any time. It doesn't make sense to not try and learn it at home
  2. I am struggling with learning roundhouse....I have been struggling since xmas. I know what the problem is...over extension of my hips. I've spoken to my Sensei about this. I've tried everything he's mentioned and I still cannot do this kick...it's getting me really down
  3. I just thought I'd give a progress report on Roundhouse...My Sensei says my hip is going far too forward...Over extension I think. So I know what the problem is and I was told on how to sort this issue out....I'm slowly getting there.
  4. Sounds to me like he's worried about you quitting more than anything else (possibly he recognizes that you've been frustrated with your progress lately). Seems to me he sees positive changes in you from the training and is legitimately worried that you'll quit and go back to doing "nothing" with your free time, as too many adults do, and not continuing to better yourself through martial arts or another means. Sounds like he cares about you and your well being and personal growth. I like this explanation better...I'm going to ask him on Monday...I'd never quit karate...I know I don't show it sometimes but I do love the martial arts...I cannot explain it...I probably shouldn't but i'd only leave if Sensei told me too.
  5. That actually upset me...I always attend class with sheer determination for wanting to learn karate. I have practiced, I always show up early for class. I always do stretches and practice before anyone shows up. I listen to every word I am told and I do everything that I am told. I haven't done anything wrong and I certainly am not less attentive with anything.
  6. I'm going to try and word this properly...If a Sensei says to a student in conversation about karate class. "If you leave this class I don't want you to go back to do nothing." Does that mean he wants me to leave the class? Was he dropping a hint?
  7. I did notice last night that I don't have any power in my front kick or roundhouse... Would ankle weights (or foot weights not sure of what they are called) help with this issue? Just to let everyone know before I started Karate I only had one hobbie/interest in my life...creative writing. I was a very unfit person when I first started the martial arts.
  8. I had a good talk with my Sensei after class tonight. He said I shouldn't beat myself up and I am making progress with roundhouse and Pinan Needan. I'm doing better than what I thought. I think I was just worried that I should be doing a lot better than what I am.
  9. Thank you for welcoming me to KF. I'm glad that I have found a place that I can discuss karate without annoying anyone. I only just graded at the beginning of December. From what I've been told you have to wait 3 months to be able to grade again. But I'm lucky that I have a Sensei that will not grade unless he feels that you're ready to move on. At the moment I'm loosing the will to practice. No matter what stretches I do or what advice I'm given by you wonderful people and my Sensei I try to do roundhouse and Pinan Needdan kata and my body says 'forget about it.'
  10. Actually I think I've been practicing roundhouse wrong...I'll ask my Sensei to show me again on Wednesday night.
  11. It's because the under 15's half heartedly do the technique. you have to look like you mean it when you throw a punch and I get that. Plus I don't know the technique well and I need to be corrected by someone who knows it off by heart.
  12. I need to have a word with my Sensei about the partner work. I'm 4ft 9 and because of my height im partnered with an under 15 because of the height. I'm not very happy about this. And I cannot practice partner work at home as I live on my own an no friends to help.
  13. The way we are taught on how to do roundhouse is that you have to stand on the ball of your foot to perform the kick. If my supporting leg was rooted to the floor I wouldn't have a problem.
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