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Everything posted by FinalHope

  1. Sorry mate, your talkin to a yank. Check the phone book under martial arts, or army/navy.
  2. Supa Dupa Explosav Fast style is the BEST. Actually, I dont have a favorite or best style. If I was forced to choose a favorite I would say Wing Chun or an animal Kung-Fu. Or perhaps Hapkido...
  3. Actually, Karate did originate in China. Buddhist monks developed the art of the china or empty hand, and then brought it to okinawa teaching others. That was very brief, but basically it.
  4. Try army/navy stores, or hobby shops. I got mine from the local army/navy store.
  5. That was sarcasm.... You cant tell when it happens, and band aids dont work well with your toe pushed up by the nail, you just have to let it clot, or use cotton if your at home.
  6. TKDLadyInSC yes thats what I am getting. Sounds like it works well, and I could use a stationary bike to keep my legs fit until healing ends. Blue Dragon sounds like you did not get yours cauterized. They put an acid on the offending side and it prevents further growth. To everyone wondering why it is embarissing: Your toe can be inflamed, and the nail pushes up a side so it looks weird, and then its almost always infected, not to mention it discharges fun stuff like pus and blood...
  7. I already meditate, quite often in fact. I incorporate a few buddhist teachings into my life. I think you are doubting the pain here, mate...its like being stabbed in the foot with a steak knife. Thanks for the advice though, I will try it.
  8. I am glad I am getting the treatment... (500-700$ dollars ouch) Sometimes you know, the pain is horrible. I am a big guy, and can do stuff like trip and smack my head on an asphalt road and only flinch, but the pain from hitting it the wrong way can have me doubled over screaming, and I think that may be a...slight cut back. I think in the end I will most likely end up waiting till after surgery...
  9. Racsism is a tough issue. Personally, I despise it. Alot of my friends are black, or indian, and personally I am irish. Yeah I say things like indian, black, mexican, because thats what they are, its not derogatory. I live in the burbs of South Dakota, and being Irish, some smartass gangsta sterotypes (Indian, might I add, they are taking racsism further if you ask me.) calling me a freakin redneck. What the hell is with that!? I am IRISH for gods sake! I think the people commonly labeled victims are let to slide further with the issue, and thats a bad thing. On the other hand its alright to jest...I mean, come on. I say things like "Canada!? But thats just a myth!" or "Martin here is so black, that if he closes his eyes you cant even see him!" but they are for the pure spirit of humor. I would never say anything offensive, even if it is a joke.
  10. I am very active in martial arts but unfortuanetaly, I have yet to join any class. You see, I have something that is very embarissing for me, ingrown toenails. FYI this means that my toenail stabs the side of my toe when pressure is applied. Now I can stand the pain mostly, as I am active like I said before, but would this impede my MA training in a school? I could find a dojo allowing "karate slippers" but do you think that this would stop me from doing anything? This is just temporary till I get surgery sometime within a year.
  11. I'd say Bo, but I am personally more akin to a shorter baton like version of it.
  12. I think that instead of a "Karate" acadamy in particular, it was more of a self-defense thing. Perhaps the belts were just a symbol of rank inside the class instead of in a martial art.
  13. Sorry mom, sorry dad...I was warming up, and during one jumping jack I triped and smacked the wall. Be prepared for these questions: What time Why warming up What part of body
  14. I saw the thing on game of death on AMC, and by god, I wish that movie was finished...it was the best scene ever when he fought the dude using the Bambo whip to demonstrate the flexibility principles.
  15. I think you may have been ripped mate...
  16. A lot of you people have the wrong idea about DIs. Movies and TV glorify them as in your face hard-arses, but they are not. They attempt to push you beyond your normal level of performance by reproducing some of the types of stress that my be found on a field of battle. If a recruit is pushed too hard the DI sees that his or her recruit gets the proper attention. After proving themselves, the DI sometimes opens up to the students on a somewhat personal level. DIs are the ultimate teachers.
  17. Cheap 'N' Easy Nunchakus By FinalHope Materials: Thick Rod or dowell, wooden 2 feet of rope Procedure: Hold your forarm vertically in front of you. Make a fist. Put the dowell up next to it, and mark about 1/2 inch below your elbow. Measure that mark and reproduce it on the other end. Cut the sections. You should now have the rods for the nunchakus. With a meduim bit, drill about 3" into the flat end of the rods. Then, drill from the curved part down into your original hole. Fish the rope through their, you may need to use needle nose plyers to get it out. Tie your knots and viola, your a ninja. j/k Personally: I used 15 1/2" sections of Fir and about 12" of layreete rope, with about 7" in between the rods. Build time was under an hour.
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