Racsism is a tough issue. Personally, I despise it. Alot of my friends are black, or indian, and personally I am irish. Yeah I say things like indian, black, mexican, because thats what they are, its not derogatory. I live in the burbs of South Dakota, and being Irish, some smartass gangsta sterotypes (Indian, might I add, they are taking racsism further if you ask me.) calling me a freakin redneck. What the hell is with that!? I am IRISH for gods sake! I think the people commonly labeled victims are let to slide further with the issue, and thats a bad thing. On the other hand its alright to jest...I mean, come on. I say things like "Canada!? But thats just a myth!" or "Martin here is so black, that if he closes his eyes you cant even see him!" but they are for the pure spirit of humor. I would never say anything offensive, even if it is a joke.