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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Ed Parker Kenpo
  • Location
  • Interests
    M.A./Bodybuilding/My Family
  • Occupation
    Finance Manager

kenpolifter's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I'll have to tend to disagree with you there. Most children do not have the attention span, you are right, but it all boils down to the parents. All childrens attention span is not off and some can even take in good info as early as 3 or 4. This can set the habit for later. Will they learn alot? Probably not, but they will learn Disipline, Self Disipline and confidence. Which are all needed for later in training and life. Just my .02
  2. When doing wall pushup you tend to put more pressure on the delts. Most of the time you body is in a greater that 30 degree angle. Any time this happen you will work the delts more. I would recommend doing flat pushups. Just do what you can for now. It will get better and you will get stronger. If your are trying to put on some mass, try some free weights(depending on your age). You will need to increase your protein intake. Diet and nutrition is everything. If ya need any more help, shoot me a PM.
  3. The only situation I see with traditional styes is this. Fighting techniques have changed over time. Unless your style is willing to adapt to the changing society, it cannot grow. I did alot of homework before I selected my style and this was a major concern for me. I selected Parker kenpo for this reason. Mr parker wanted his style to adapt and grow with the changing world.
  4. Depending on the level of the individual, I would have to say it is ignorance on both parts. I feel when you tell someone you take karate, your telling them exactly what you don't know. I have been studying for 14 years and I had the same problem up until I reached the Brown belt level. It took that long for me to humble myself. I know at the lower-intermediate belts we think we can beat the world. When in fact we probably know just enough to get our butts beat against an experienced fighter. People will figure it out by the way you carry yourself, your work ethic and your well being. We tend to portray more confidence than most. As an upper belt you will understand this. I like to compare what we do to golf. Alot of people play golf and alot of people quit. But how many actually stick with it long enough to turn pro. same with M.A. Some do and some don't, but the black belts are the pros. really not many when looking at the big picture. So I have to say that we are he elite. just my .02
  5. Have had tons of bumps a bruises, a few brokes cups and bloody lips and noses. The worst injury was a popped right hamstring training for a fight. A big softball for a hamstring. Worse pain I ever felt. I was outta comission for 6 months.
  6. Being a black belt myself I have started on my son at 20 months. It may a little young to some of you, but he does know the difference between front and back kick. I figure if it's good enough for Brandon, it's good enough for Joshua. Call it conditioning if you will, but I think it will be very benefitial to him when he gets older. Oh and the right left thing, forget it.hehe
  7. I think if your serious about Your martial arts training you really should go to the classes and have a sit down with the instructors. you not only need to find a style that fits you, but you also need to find an instructor that fits you as well. I am kinda old shcool and prefer a less commercialized school and more old fashioned instruction. Yes if my son/daughter is not paying attention kick him/her or will. Not too hard though just enough to get his/her attention. just make sure you do your homework. You have a long commitment and the last thing you want is to go bouncing all over the place and never getting any where. Good luck to ya
  8. First time on a MA board. Never knew we had one, I spend most of my time on bodybuilding forums. Enough of that, I have been training now for bout 14 years in Parker Kenpo and I love. Took a break to build the body a tad. Started my bodybuilding at 140 lightning fast pounds and now I'm pushin 200. Not sure how much it has effected my speed, but I will say this though, I have alot more power in my strikes.
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