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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Gladstone, Oregon
  • Interests
    Karate, Japnese language
  • Occupation

HachiKyu's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. yes i do think it is a great school and cheap compared to other schools in china. I've been in contact with mr.che and we've been tag backing each other so my future is basically set and i will be going to this school
  2. I would say to get demoted for us in shotokan its putting the not of your belt to the right side and it means you want to challenge the sensei well do that and put a big grin on your face whenever you look at him/her and if asked to spar then say no your not worth my time i only spar 7thdan and above lol
  3. Well that was my 50th post so I decided i should do it with a bang hehehehehehehehehehehe
  4. There is an optimal amount of training to do. Train too little and your progress is sluggish and slow. Train too much and you become susceptible to motivational burnout and physical injury. It is the balanced combination of workout and recovery that will produce the best results. There are some obvious signs of overtraining. If you pay attention you can detect them early. Top ten signs you might be over training: 10. When you shop for groceries, you don't check produce for freshness, you test it for weapons capability. 9. You are snuggling on the couch with your sweetie and you realize that with a teensy adjustment you could get them to tap out. 8. The last three books you read were ultimate fighting videos. 7. Your idea of mood lighting is a dark alley. 6. The three words that absolutely turn you on the most are "secret deadly techniques." 5. On New Years Eve, the main reason why you have a designated driver is so you can get to the swim on time. 4. You have a recurring nightmare of testing wearing nothing but your sash. 3. Every morning when you stand in line to get your latte, all you can think of is "remember to angle." 2. You pay your dues before your mortgage because you know you can take your banker any day. And finally, the number one clue that you might be over training is: 1. When you ogle members of the opposite sex, the only things you notice are vital targets. Have fun with your training and keep it fresh and interesting. Sometimes the best but hardest thing to do is to take a break and give your body and mind a chance to rest and recover. Remember if you are training for life, there will always be time to learn and practice that new technique. It won't go away! Enjoy! Signs you have a bad sifu: 11. Doesn't bother to learn anyone's name, instead calls everyone "Grasshopper". 10. Testing fees include a $20 sake tax. 9. Recommended reading list includes "Fight Club" and "Xena Warrior Princess" scripts. 8. Thinks Bodidharma is the new yoga studio that opened down the street. 7. Sparring gear is made out of bubble wrap and duct tape. 6. Begins every class with the ancient chant of "Letsgetreadytoruuumble!" 5. Sifu's "gi" is made out of white terrycloth and has Hilton Hotel embroidered on the lapel. 4. Answers all philosophical questions with "Ancient Chinese secret." 3. Threatens you with the touch of death if you don't clean out the school's bathroom. 2. Thinks the term "Wing Chun dummy" is an insult. 1. Training equipment consists of broken pool cues, empty beer bottles and folding aluminum chairs. Signs that Training is affecting you at work? Your boss assigns you a new project and you accidentally shout out "Yes, sifu!" Trying on business skirts, you make sure the slit is high enough so you can still manage a good groin kick. You practice forms when you have the elevator to yourself. You salute before entering the conference room. You know ten different ways to kill someone with your ball point pen. You wait for your Xeroxes to print while standing in a horse stance. You constantly size up people in the elevator and decide which ones you could "take." You do mini staff forms with your pencil while bored in meetings. You wear your kung fu pants on "casual Fridays." You find yourself quoting Lao Tzu at the water cooler. You ki-ai when the mailboy hits you with his cart. You try to engage in friendly mock sparring with your co-workers only to feel guilty when they cower away. So what do you think of these? Funny right.
  5. I thik age should and shouldnt have a factor in testing like in shotokan for instance there are qualifications one must meet to adv. in dan levels this i think is outrageous because you have to be going on like 50 or 60 years old to begin to qualify for 9th dan. Some instructors have arthritis or have leg and knee problems. Thats one factor where age should not count because by the time you reach that age your just going downhill anyway. Now as for black belt shotokan has minimum age of being 16 to achieve it and 18 yrs of age up till 3rd dan pass that and your adding on years like 2 or 25 and so on with each dan you pass. How ever in kung-fu it doesnt really matter what age you are so long as the instructor that passed you thinks and sees you deserve and are well maintaining yourself to BB level and showing in and out the dojo that you are a senior student then age shouldnt matter but it all depends on the person, everybody is different.
  6. It's true that military teaches MA's but i dont think they teach the spirtual aspect of it and plays a big role to me, if there is no spirtual aspect of no history to a MA should it be considered a MA? I think not but thats my opinion. Not too mnetion he history behind the MA and what it is best known for. There is obviously more to a MA than just fighting skills but some people think that's not important I on the other think thats half of it and the other half comes from the skills you attain and learn.
  7. ihave helped my sensei even though he is old lead the white belt class in warmp ups. Its more of 20- 25 minutes of tortutre more than anything else really. But i have gotten nothing but compliments like , "its tough but i need the wokrout thanx." those kind of things and always a thank you from my instructor and always give feedback to him since i have studiedd in another style.
  8. I wouldnt even tell the people on the street if i were to engage in street fighting that i take martial arts. i would let it be a little surprise and i would only tell the police if they asked. it makes them think they should go work out instead of working their stomachs and hands in coffee and doughnuts.
  9. JohhnyS 3) A smaller person will tire more quickly than a larger stronger person if they are grappling. This not necassirly true.. a smaller person can have more endurance than a larger person its all on how you train such a remark shows your arrogance in martial arts to just assume a larger person would have more endurance in grappling, he may have the upper hand in like weight but that doesnt mean a smaller person will tire easily.
  10. Nothing beats stick men fighting which it looks like it may appear in the matrix 2 when neo fihgts like 100 agents and has a staff it reminds me of stick men fighting lol
  11. Way to go on your purple belt im testing for my orange this week in the same system so my kata is heian nidan but i know all the way up to tekki shodan as well as adv. black belt katas such as han getsu and meikyo but my favorite has to be enpi now you should concentrate on what kata you will do for your black belt test and start practicing it now along with heian godan.
  12. How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? (two answers.) 1) unknown its never been done or 2) One to hold the diest pepsi the other to call daddy. heh hehehehehe
  13. Whats the difference between a women and a battery? ( No offense to the women out there) A battery has a positive side.
  14. I thought it was pretty good not too bad lol here kitty kitty kitty
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