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  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshinryu, golden gloves, JKD

Joe-jitsu's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. G-ish. What is Hon-Shin-Do? And in your book who wrote those words?
  2. I study isshinryu. Not real big in kata that much. I've never been much on you do this then I'll do this! But I understand the importance of the principles in the katas. They say Martial Arts. Well I think art is self expression. There is only so much of your self you can express doing the exact same movements as every one else. What I really like about it is my instructor pushes and motivates you to your max. If you go to class you will be garranteed a good work out. And we spar alot. Full contact twice a week. So after practicing katas and doing drills you can really cut loose in the ring.
  3. The ol' sidekick to the ribs one of my favorites!
  4. Any sparring is Good sparring
  5. When I first started training I signed up for a 3 month contract. When it expired I was short on money so I did not resign immediately. Then one day I saw my instructor, he said why haven't you been at school training. I answered honestly, "I have been short on money." He said "If that is the problem get back in there. Don't ever let money be an issue." I did as he said and he gave me an opportunity to take care of the grounds for my dues. I jumped on it. I have been there groundsman for 3 years now, and I appreciate my training more than when I just paid cash for it. I have learned some schools require you to purchase their equipment, their weapons, there mothpieces, their belts etc... Or they have trophies everywhere. Those are things I look at when deciding where to train. And I would decide to train somewhere else!
  6. I have a book with all eight empty hand katas of isshinryu. The name of it is Isshinryu The One Heart One Mind Method by Allen Wheeler. Printed by National Paperback Books Inc. It is about 10 dollars. It is step by step and fairly easy to follow.(As easy as learning a kata could be from a book.)
  7. Master Wheeler 10th Dan is in his early 80's.
  8. I am new to the site. I study isshinryu. I am 27 and testing for my blackbelt in a couple weeks. I was wondering why people don't seem to tell their school, rank, or instructor. Also I would like to say that I enjoy this site. None of my friends or family have much interest in the martial arts, and I don't socialize much at school I just go there to work and learn. It is nice to see so much output from people on so many different aspects of the arts.
  9. He who won't be licked can't be licked!
  10. I wonder how many 10th Dan instructors are out there operating. I have trained under one, Master Allen Wheeler Isshinryu Karate. Anyone heard of him or train under another 10th Dan?
  11. Thanks for the link kick chick. I went to a Joe Lewis seminar about 2 yrs ago in knoxville, tn. He is amazing and I would recommend anyone having the chance to work with to do it. It is well worth the money.
  12. I have trained in isshinryu for about 4 years now. Isshinryu is one man's interpretation of the "best" techniques from goju-ryu and shorin-ryu. The chart techniques are very precise, compact and technical. This adds to the difficulty for the beginning karateka. If someone is shopping for a style to begin martial art study, one may benefit from first logging down some time in a softer more fluid style before taking on isshinryu.
  13. Anyone been to a Joe Lewis seminar lately?
  14. Any good suggestions on increasing hand speed? Paper drill: Take a 4 in x 4 in piece of paper and put a string through it. Hang it from the ceiling about chin high. Learn to develope a snapping sound as your hand makes contact with the paper. This teaches you to put snap in your punches, to be faster and more relaxed, and you can learn to explode closing distance and remember to explode out just as fast. Candle drill: Light a candle put it on a table or something and punch at the candle. Let your snap be just an inch from the candle. A beginner should be able to put the candle out 1 out of 10 times. Practice the drill until you can put the candle out about every other time. Both drills will also increase your overall focus.
  15. Feet are too wide lose mobility. Stance is too sideways, Put feet on 45 degree angle, square up shoulders, drop the center, make rear leg as cocked spring. Raise rear hand, elbows in.
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