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Everything posted by Rhuarc

  1. Hi KickChick, The only tips I know are those regarding colour belts. For example: 1. White 2. Yellow Tip 3. Yellow 4. Green Tip 5. Green 6. Blue Tip 7. Blue 8. Brown Tip 9. Brown 10 Black Tip 11. 1st Dan Black So if you are a brown tip, the belt you wear is blue in colour. However, you attach brown tape at the 2 ends of your blue belt. This is how it is done in Singapore at least and for WTF. Hope that answers your question.
  2. Hello kenpolifter, What are the cups you are refering to? The only cups that I can think of now are the one all brothers out there must wear at their groin for continuing the family line. *smile* Cheers.
  3. Thanks for replying KickChick. The hunt still continues though. Through grubby low resolution movies to crusty picture animations, the quest for good quality, free taegeuk videos has to go on. Rhuarc will now move on to higher levels, like searching the bookstores for help. I am going to get that Double yet... double double double...
  4. Hello everybody! Can you guys recommend good websites for WTF Taekwondo Taeguek (forms)? I am looking for detailed explanation with tips and pointers that allow one to go for a Double. (By the way, a Double is when you rise by 2 grades instead of 1. It is given when you perform exceptionally well in both your pattern and your sparring. I am from Singapore so I do not know if it is the same system for you guys.) I have been searching high and low in the internet; all I could find are instructions that tell you to what to do during the form itself - none of it tells you to say strike with power, pause for a second, etc. What I need is something more informative, sort of like an online taekwondo taegeuk textbook. Hopefully it exists... Do you all know of any websites that show the taegeuk videos online (free). I have got all the 1/2MB mpeg files but they are all blurry with low resolutions. Is there any place I can download them from instead of buying them? I have even used KaZaa which is useless, except for downloading movies recommended by Playboy and the like. I hope you guys can help me. Thanks a million in advance!!!
  5. Hello everybody. Here's a point about the safety of weapons to ponder. I hope that it helps. A real, sharpened sword when used on an opponent can slice through bone. A bo can shatter bones. Whatever we do, let's have fun but be careful.
  6. Hi. I am new here. I am a blue belt in WTF Taekwondo. Have any of you been seriously injured because of martial arts? For example, torn ligament, fractures, etc. Share your experiences here. Right now, I am at home nursing a left scrotal hematoma (which is as nasty as it sounds). I received it courtesy of a back thrust to the groin. I was admitted to the hospital, went through panels of doctors, an ultrasound scan, police interviews and finally discharge with a 3 week rest at home. A word of advice to everyone here: A groin guard is really important. I have been through the pain and that is my experience. This is my first time posting so I hope I don't offend anyone, especially if this has already been posted before. Still, share your experiences and thanks!
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