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  • Martial Art(s)
    JKD / Muay Thai / TKD

Archimoto's Achievements

Purple Belt

Purple Belt (6/10)



  1. Whoa!!! Did the math and that's some serious quality AND volume! A truly rare and beautiful combination! Congratulations!!!
  2. I loved watching these drills - THANK YOU. Sensitivity drills are invaluable in my opinion.
  3. A wonderful article indeed. I like the notion that a brown belt is very much an imperfect work in progress that can have fun, humility, confidence, and can enjoy exploring new horizons. In fact I think it's a mentality that is perfectly suited for all ranks especially black! As you said: in 5 years you might look back on this article and think it naive. Or before then you might be copy/pasting the same article as a black belt for black belts! Thank you for it!
  4. I'm picturing the scene and it's so very "Kung Fu movie" I love it!
  5. Phew!!! Good to hear!!! Not that you're in pain but...you know what I mean
  6. I literally got gooesbumps reading your post because the magnitude of your changes suggest a dire circumstance. My heart truly goes out to you Sensei8. As you know, better than anyone, the floor awaits but in some way I think you take it with you as you battle your way back. A sincere bow of respect!
  7. Just a thought: as you search for a new school you might explain your daughter's fear of change to the new would-be instructors. The right instructor might be very interested interested in helping her transition.
  8. Good advice as usual Sensei8! Idretzka: there are way too many variables in life to even consider signing a 5 year contract. For instance, her interest might change, you may have to relocate due to work or economics, the list goes on. By the way, there are also a host of variables at the school that can change in 5 years. For instance, can they guarantee they will provide the same level of instruction, can they guarantee they will still be in business in 5 years? Lastly, i can't blame a school for making money and if you're okay with the cost then forgive me for sharing my opinion. However, your daughter is a purple and if I read correctly she started practicing within the last year or so. She's taking 2 classes per week and you've paid over $1,000 per testing cycle. If all of that is correct (and forgive me if I'm wrong) that's EXPENSIVE!!! To put it in perspective, an average program will cost anywhere from $5 to $15 per class. There are exceptions, heck, some schools don't charge at all! Regardless, by my math you are paying well above average. All of this is to say that I also recommend not signing the new contract and if you like the school present terms that are more acceptable to you. And most importantly, given the cost you might considering exploring all of your options in the area to make sure that a more cost effective alternative isn't out there. Please let us know how it goes!! Good luck !!
  9. And happy new year to you! I will spend this new year with my immediate and extended family. I will most likely have a glass or two of bubbly (responsibly of course!) but will totally go overboard on the desserts!!! It's the last day of my holiday reprieve from my diet. On 1/1 it's back to business as usual!
  10. Great to hear things like this, good luck with the future. Thank you! Good luck to you as well !!!
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