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    Computer Operator

craknek's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. LOL... I took a weight lifters to the ground once, when I did Greco Roman. He was 17, I was 16. We were for the most part, playing around. I.. did greco roman, not much else, he was benchin 350lbs, squatting 450lbs, etc etc. I shot in on him, one leg, took him down. Great. LOL, or so I thought. The guy was just so strong and explosive, that I couldnt really do anything lol... sad. He then put me in some kind of bearhug, while on the ground, and man, I literally felt the air leave my lungs. Point being... lol, you always have to be cautious lol... if he is strong.. and bigger.. maybe taking him down to the ground isnt the best thing.. lol =) Nick
  2. Just a silly question.... Has anyone really had someone take a nice bite into them? Has anyone ever throw someone to the ground, and mounted them.. thinking it was ok, until this guy basically just bite you so hard in your chest or arm.. to draw blood and loose flesh? Has anyone really really been gouged in the eye? Or had someone rotate there thumb and spraining it? Has anyone ever had anyone take there fingernails and run it across the face, or across there chest and draw blood? LOL... I have not had all of these things happen, just some. But, they are definately the great equalizers. I would have to say, hands down the best fighters on earth are the students of dirty fighting, street style, etc etc....Say what you want, but let someone gouge you in the eye, and see if you can keep fighting lol. Nick
  3. Street fight this, street fight that..... I dont know anyone who actively gets in street fights. Anyway though, I dont care if you use a Bo Staff or not.. in a REAL street fight.. I would blow you away with my 9mm, or Luger, or .44 cal. No Bo staff is a match for that in a REAL street fight. If thats really what your worried about, go get yourself a gun license/permit and start going to the shooting range. Not to mention, in a real street fight, who in the hell is gonna be walking down the street with a Bo staff, kinda hard to conceal. Two good weapons, that arent firearms. are the dagger/knife and the Cane. The cane is an awesome weapon to learn, not only is it very very effective, but you can take it anywhere. You can take it on a plane, in the mall, to school, to work.. Also, the knife. Since the knife is easily concealable, and lightweight, it would make an ideal choice for a fight with someone, Nick
  4. Staff is nice, great for distance and generating power. Staff is not good when u get up close and personal Staff is not speed Staff is not 'universal'. No weapon is. Learn what you like man... like DOA said, if it appeals to you, then learn it... you'll enjoy it alot more then trying to learn something that you 'THINK' you should learn.
  5. Is there a specific name for the wooden sword that many use to practice with? I know the bamboo one is called a shinai but the wooden one, not sure about. Please help. Nick
  6. I think Guns would make it worse. there is no Sure way to defend yourself on the streets, really. So many different situations, and screnarios, that if anyone ever told you that this is a 100% guaranteed self defense program, there lieing. As I said, MA or no MA, street situations are wayyyyy different then any dojo or dojang could prepare you for. I think people who take MA, should enjoy it and learn as much as they can about it, and not worry so much about whether or not they can take down a 300lb biker, or whether or not they can fight off 3 guys etc etc. Nick
  7. You know, I do not see what the big deal about a Martial Art being for sport and comp. Alot of people worry about taking MA's for self defense, and in a way, it does teach you self defense, but its also up to the user to exercise good judgement. If you think your in a dangerous situation, such as someone holding you with a knife in there hand.. better stay still. etc etc. I actually like the idea that taking TKD, I am getting fitness to help my health, I am doing some fanastic stretches to help my knees and back, and I will get to compete in tournaments. Since I am worried about self defense, me personally, I do not look towards TKD as the defense I need on the street. TKD for me, is more health and information. I am enjoying readnig about TKD and the korean martial arts and its ways. I do however look towards a good can of pepper spray, maybe some brass knuckles, maybe even a black jack if its for protection. I look at reading some very good self defense books etc to protect myself. In all reality, how often are you going to get into a fight on the streets anyway? When i was a kid, I got in fights constantly.. but since I became an adult, in my 5 years since I became an adult, I have been in one fight, and that was because the guy reached in the car and punched me in the face...5 years 1 fight. Some people I know have been in no fights... so, really, the only ways I can think of that you would get into a street fight is if A) You started one, in which case, your a bully for trying to showcase your martial arts knowledge and should be ashamed of yourself B) You linger around a bad situation or make it worse. C) your profession requires you to be around violent people... such as Law enforcement, Bouncers, bodyguards. People always say.. What if.. What if I do. If you do, then maybe you should as I said before, have some pepper spray.. or if the situation is dire and you have a knife at your throat, just be calm until you can run away or until the person leaves. If someone hits you.. well, you have to defend yourself, but as I said, most people just dont come out of no where and punch you in the face for no reason. And if your getting jumped, well, MA or no MA your gonna take a whooping regardless. Anyway, I would like to hear some feedback.. in a constructive manner regarding this topic about Self defense. Nick
  8. yep, that is where most of the USMC combat manuel came from. In fact, Defendo (https://www.defendo.com) uses alot of Fairburn stuff.... the reason why its so effective, is because really, its no non-sense, bone breaking, basic moves. =). Nick
  9. #1 Do not tell me I dont understand when I do. #2 Just because you have a pro boxing coach, and some of your guys are good, does not mean as a whole MT fighters could BOX as good as boxers. Maybe... MAYBE very few of them could compete beyond the amateur level.....MT fighters are good at what they do ninjamaster, just like boxers are good at what they do. So, please do me a favor and do not diss boxing by saying that alot of MT fighters stay in the lower ranks because the good ones stay in MT, speaking as if the good ones did come to Boxing, they would be something special. Nick
  10. pro, It didnt say that running all together is bad for you. It said doing about 20 mins of aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week is very healthy for you, and should be done. So, running a mile after a class is good for yoru heart. Now, to build Fast Type 2 twitch muscle fiber, for kicking power and speed, after you ran your mile, do some Sprints... kicks the bags, with some weights on your legs maybe, do some weight lifting, etc. Those kind of exercises build more explosivness in your muscle.. where as alot of aerobics will build the slower.. muscle fiber which is better for endurance... Like the article said, cross country runners, can only do a vertical leap of like 4 inches... which is bad.. because alot of there muscle fiber is more for endurance.. rather than type 2, which is for power. Nick
  11. Yes BKJ, if you wear a form of protective headgear, it is still full contact. Even if y ou were lil protective gloves, it is still full contact =). Give you an example, Flag Football, is not Full Contact, Football even with gear on, is Full Contact. Full contact would be that you guys are really hitting each other, really hard.. not just love taps. If you want to wear gear to prevent injury or missing teeth, nothing wrong with that. Nick
  12. I am not sure if you have conditioned your knuckles yet or not.. If not, you could hit the board, or a heavy punching bag. if you hit the bag, make sure it is at leas 75lbs or more, or else hitting it aint gonna build not TYPE 2 muscle fibers to build strength in your punches. Remember, the heavier the bag, the more it simulates a body. If you want to hit the bag with no padding on, thats cool to, just dont be surpised or get mad when you notice the skin on your knuckles has spilt.. or your knuckles are bleeding. If that does happen.. you need to rest your hands until it heals, before you start hitting the bag again, if not, your gonna end up gnarly and grostesque looking hands. Nick
  13. Treebranch, Someone could get stabbed just as easily standing up. It would be easier for someone to come behind you while standing to choke you out, then if your back was to the ground.. you can just as easily get hit in the head with a beer bottle from a standing position. From a standing position, you have to be aware and account for attackers coming at from all sides... on the ground, you really have to account for 1 side, your front. When your on the ground, there options of attack are very limited, while standing they can do a number of joe american street style techniques to you... on the ground, they can kick, stomp, hit with something, or... jump on top of you, which would be a huge mistake lol. if there kicking u, as hard as it is.. if you could grab there foot... you can break or dislocate there ankle in no time... after you do that to one guy, the other two would probably back off.. after seeing there friends foot doing a 180 degree turn lol. Now, standing, you do have a wide array of options for attack.. as well as the ability to run from a dangerous situation.. where as on the ground.. well your stuck.. cant run now.
  14. I dont think there is a way to toughen your nose... you may be able to do training to condition your mind to withstand pain a lil more, but your nose is gonna break and bleed, and have blood run into your eyes etc etc, no matter what you do lol. As for conditioning your face...Boxing would help.. with gloves on of course. If you want to condition your jaw.. I know of several jaw muscles exercises... i can not remember what they are though, I ll have to get back to you on it... as for conditioing your gums.. nto sure how to do that. Dont boxers have a special kind of mouthpiece they put into there mouth... to do this? Any boxers out there, help with this. If you guys start boxing, please start off jabbing each other so you can get a feel for it.. and then once yoru comfortable with the jab.. move up to the heavier stuff...and you probably shouldnt attempt to uppercuts unless you dont mind knocking your friends teeth out.. or possibly breaking his jaw. Remember also, you dont want to knock each other out lol... each tiem you get knocked out, you suffer some minor and small brain damage =).. overtime it could build up... look at most boxers who have been in it for a while. Nick
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