Thanks guys! You know that's the second time I've seen that Paul Walker book mentioned here I will definitely check it out sensei8. Ps1, I completely understand what you're saying I guess when I look at the forms, the first 3 in ITF TKD for example. I know I'm a "JKD guy" but I am also trained in TKD and I teach TKD forms in my kids class and to any adult who expresses an interest, I find it really helps with their coordination and focus. I look at these forms and though I understand that forms 1, 2, & 3 aren't that different technically I still see 1 as easier to learn than 2 and so on, I guess I'm afraid of having a brand new student jump into form 3 for example without learning 1 & 2 and them being overwhelmed. What about after the "Beginner" block, will I need to create a different time slot for the "Intermediate" block so that they don't mix? Is that how that works?