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Iron Fist 05

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate & Chinese Boxing
  • Location
    Houston, Tx
  • Interests
    Karate & Martial Arts in general
  • Occupation

Iron Fist 05's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Of course, there's always the law to think about But personally, I like a knife. I didn't like knives much until about a uear ago, I met one instructor who studied Filipino blade fighting and it blew my mind how fast and precise he was in his techniques.
  3. One theory that I have about 'mind over mater,' ki, anything along that matter is that if you believe that what ever you do will work, it will work. The placebo affect. If you wanted to begin controlling your ki, you will first have to BELIEVE that you can, or that your ki actully exists. you must do this before you use your ki. One very basic exercise that I have used even before knowing about ki,chi, etc. was to say or think to yourself that the pain doesn't exist. This also works if you are cold.
  4. dows anyone have any info on Zen? I am trying to find out more about it.
  5. Does anyone have any tips on meditation? I have only recently started meditating. Also, why do you meditate? Is it for a clear mind, relaxation, MA, what????
  6. I have never seen a TKD match in place, but I was watching the Titan Games on ESPN2 and they had a couple of mathces on there and all there was was kicking! Now before you think to yourself, "hey what a loser!" I do know that TKD is mostly kicking, but is it really ALL kicking? It would seem logical that there would be an occaisonal punch here or there. ............or is TKD a real rival of western boxing?
  7. Is any body in the American Society of Karate or have been in it? If so, what do you tink about it? If not, are you in another group and which one?
  8. I found a video online @ martialartslive.com that has a video about really conditioning your body. It is some pretty extreme stuff. You have to see the pic on the front of the video cover. I bought it , but it hasn't came in yet, otherwise, i would tell you if it was good enough.
  9. I have never had a black gi, but i know that if you turn your jeans inside out, it will keep the jeans form getting too faded in one wash. I don't know if it would work with a gi, but it's worth a shot. It couldn't hurt!
  10. oh *DUH!* sorry guys. I ment to say KarateKa. I thought it was called a KarateKi. Sorry bout that, but thanks for the tip.
  11. So it completely ignores any achievement made before you become a legal adult? Well, yeah. I know it sounds really harsh. Some of the kids in my class are really high in rank. But the reason why is because in my association all adult white belts must perform a kata (h-form 1). For example, if a youth purple belt is finally old enough to be in the adult class, he can't really keep his pruple belt for two main reasons: 1) He/she has to be a white belt to do their kata at a tournament 2) He/she can't stay a purple belt because that means that they have already been in the adult class for awhile, and they haven't. Our youth and adult classes are run differently and taught different things. Ya, when I first heard about that, I had the same reaction as you. But it makes sense now.
  12. Wow! man that's a lot of different belt rankings. American Society of Karate goes like: YOUTH white yellow orange green blue purple (3levels of purple) red (3 levels of red) When a youth is old enough to go into the adults' class, he starts over at adult white no matter what rank they are. ADULTS white yellow orange green blue purple brown (3 levels of brown) black (7 levels of black)
  13. lol no i'm not talking about a gi. that's just the uniform. i know thatt. I just hear people say on this forum things like "a KarateKi could do so and so...." or somnething like that. That's what i'm tlaking about.
  14. how can you register yourself as a weapon?
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